Mark’s Northeast Motorsports Expo Opens With Military Appreciation Day Friday

The weekend of all things cars, cars and more cars begins Friday at the Eastern States Exposition Center when the doors swing open for Mark’s Northeast Motorsports Expo.

And Friday’s first night of the show will honor all active and formerly active military members with Military Appreciation Day.

All veteran’s will be admitted free to the show Friday with proper identification.

The first of three days of the show kicks off with the doors opening at 4 p.m. on Friday. The show will close at 8 p.m. Friday.

The show will also run from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday.

For more information on the show check out their website or visit the Mark’s Northeast Motorsports Expo page on Facebook.

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  1. getserious says

    Does anyone know if the tracks and race tours, clubs, etc are going to be there? In other words, is it at all like the old race-a-rama? Or is it more like the World of Wheels; a car show.

  2. Getserious,
    Race-A-Rama. All the short tracks in Connecticut will be represented as well as a number of out of state tracks.

  3. getserious says

    Thank you. Hoping for good things.

  4. Lightsout says

    The Better Living Building will be packed full of everything, Race tracks, race cars, show cars, off roading, monster trucks and motorcycles.

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