It’s the award that nobody is really quite sure what to make of just yet. Is it a good thing? Is it a bad thing? Well, it’s kind of a mystery.
Know this, Honey Badger don’t care. Just ask Woody Pitkat, Jeff Rocco, Paul French and Travis Jurcik, some of the Honey Badger Award recipients in 2012.
In 2013 the award will be given weekly with the start of the local racing season in Connecticut and with the new season will come some support to keep Honey Badger digging.
In 2013 the weekly award will be known as the Thirty Two Signs Honey Badger of the Week.
We’ll have more details on the new and improved Thirty Two Signs Honey Badger of the Week Award for the 2013 season as we get closer to the start of racing, but for now welcome Thirty Two Signs of Baltic, CT on board.
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