At we want to create more than just a deal between publisher and advertiser. wants to build relationships.
At RaceDayCT your company will be more than just one in a lineup of banner ads linking to your site. will allow you to open up your advertising in all new ways through formats far more interactive and exposing than through print publications or typical websites.
And that reach will go beyond just the website and follow through with advertising that will take advantage of’s fully integrated use of exposure through top social media formats.
What about finding a group of consumers that specifically gravitate toward companies that make an effort to advertise in some capacity within the sport they follow?
Studies have shown that NASCAR fans and racing fans in general are more loyal to the companies involved in advertising within the sport than in any other sport. Through you can expose your company to that loyal group each and every day.
And at we have the plan for your company no matter the level of commitment you desire. We’ll find a way to make your budget work and get racing fans looking to your company for their needs.
If you’re interested in finding out more about what we can offer to you, contact Shawn Courchesne at: [email protected] or view the RaceDayCT Advertiser Information.
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