RaceDayCT Daily Poll: Head To Head – Who You Got? Keith Rocco Vs. Ronnie Williams

It’s time for another “Head-To-Head” poll. So here’s the scenario, two drivers, equal equipment, nobody knows the track style. Who you taking? Today’s matchup pits two drivers who made some news late last week. It’s Keith Rocco versus Ronnie Williams. Who you got? Vote below.


  1. 😝😝😝🀣🀣🀣🀣😝😝🀣🀣🀣🀣😝😝😝🀣🀣πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ🀣🀣🀣😝

  2. Keith would rather be out on his new boat. He could care less about the people around him and his wife wears the firesuit in the family anyways.

  3. All righty then. A better poll might have been what penalties these guys will be getting. I suppose the precedent would be 2017 Christopher/Pennink confrontation in victory lane. Each starting in the rear for two weeks, probation for the rest of the year. Which turned out to be not much of a penalty at all since the following week Christopher won with Pennink 3rd. I’m hoping for harsher penalties but we’ll see.
    How about another poll. On what day this week will Stafford announce the curtailment of some facet of their race program as the result of the tire shortage? Is it not a cruel irony. All the unused tires just sitting in warehouses at the beginning of last season with no racing. Now full programs allowed and a tire shortage.

  4. If we’re talking driver, Keith has the accomplishments. If we’re talking personality, Keith doesn’t have one. Many other drivers I’d rather take than both of them.

  5. Canned Carburetor says

    No, Keith really busts his ass with his racing. You just don’t know him well enough.

  6. Ronnie would win would rather play a sport and be active

  7. Who Cares says

    So I’m thinking the only one knows what he’s talking about here is the carburetor guy, cuz most of you guys have no clue on how much this guy does, most of the kids out there can’t lance his boots, an that’s a fact ! Looking up in your racing book you idiots

  8. 🀣🀣🀣😝😝😝😝😝

    A couple years ago, on these forums, the personality and charm of KRocco was being discussed. One poster wrote that he chatted up KRocco and was stunned to see KRocco go from zero to idiot in no time.


  9. getserious says

    Ditka by three laps.

  10. Let’s put KRocco on skates and have him play against Williams.


  11. I don’t know about the other guys but I think I have a very good grasp of the strengths of Keith Rocco. Driving obviously but so much more. He knows literally every nut and bolt on the race cars he works on including the engines and can make them all work together to go really fast. He works on a wide range of cars from SK Lights to tour modifieds. Judging from the growth of KRR a good businessman. Family man. All round just an exceptional talent.
    All that said why does it have to forgive his childish and reckless behavior. Selfish as well in my view not thinking for a minute how much damage it could have caused if someone ended up in the hospital and he in hand cuffs. His personality is acerbic at best and he doesn’t suffer fools. Got it but make better decisions.
    Why is it when he does a really foolish thing the default reaction is to justify or excuse it? It is possible you know to admire all that is Keith Rocco and still be able to point out when he’s off the rails.

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