Heavy Rain Cuts Racing Card Short Friday At Stafford Speedway

A downpour arrived at Stafford Speedway just minutes after the start of the Casella Waste Open Modified 80 (Photo: Shawn Courchesne/RaceDayCT)

STAFFORD – Management at Stafford Speedway was able to dodge one rain storm on Friday. Unfortunately, dodging two just wasn’t in the works at the historic half-mile.

The racing card at Stafford was cut short due to rain and thunderstorms in the area just minutes after the start of the Casella Waste Open Modified 80.

A rain shortened Street Stock feature was completed before the first storm hit at Stafford. After an extended delay the racing card restarted with the running of the Limited Late Model feature, won by Connor Jencik.

The Open Modifieds took to the track next and completed five laps of their scheduled 80-lap feature before the first caution flew. Under caution a massive downpour hit the track bringing an end to the night’s action.

Woody Pitkat was leading the Open Modified event at the time it was stopped. The event will resume next Friday.


  1. Marshall says

    I’m starting to think it’s me. Was at the Spring Sizzler when it got rained out. Then I tried to make the rain date but they changed the schedule at the last minute to avoid rain later and I couldn’t make it in time. And now rain tonight after I made the trek. Also modified races at Thompson and Hudson that I planned to attend had to be postponed because of rain. I want to go to the Monadnock open race tomorrow but there’s like a 15% chance of rain, so I know I’m screwed. Pretty sure the Northeast Classic was also moved due to rain this year, but at least I got to see that one on the make up date.

  2. Hillary 2024 says

    Oh well. Gonna be a beautiful night at the shoreline oval.

  3. I glanced at my umbrella leaning on the wall a number of times before I left for The Open show , trying to imagine if I would need it . It was still there when I got home ….. soaked. You think I would know better by now .

  4. Fast Eddie says

    The first bit of rain wasn’t too bad and everyone checking the weather around me seemed to think we were good for the rest of the night. That monsoon came out of nowhere and it was BRUTAL!! I still have damp clothes from last night!

  5. Marshall,

    Did you go to Monadnock? I hope you did and broke the streak of bad luck. We have all had a good run of bad luck chasing racing before.

    Now, I seldom go if there is a chance of rain. Stafford has a habit of running the main event last, so if the weather or night goes long, and you can’t stay, you typically miss what you went to see. I did notice they moved up the mods this time. They tried to do the right thing, but it didn’t work out. I used to think it was so they could sell more concessions, but I recently went to the kid’s big wheel night and the night ran long. I wanted to get a soda or coffee at the end of the night for the trip home and the concession stands were closed. So, I have no idea why they run the main event last as there is no financial gain if you close the concession stand. I guess just to punish the fans and create a parking jam at the end of the night when everyone leaves at the same time. Honestly what’s the benefit. They didn’t get to showcase their best division in front of all the kids and their parents as they were all either at home or asleep in the stands.

  6. @csg did get to Monadnock. Even though there was a 15% chance of rain the race went off without a hitch.

    The main event is almost always the finale to the race day’s schedule. Save the best for last unless there’s a good reason.

  7. Does anyone know if they will let Goodale and the others involved in the lap 5 wreck repair their cars and race Friday night ?

  8. Russell Smith says

    Yes, all 22 cars will be allowed to restart. The lineup was locked at the presentation of the red flag to those on the track (8, 55CT, 00, 51, 48 , 04, 20, 50, 9, 8NY, 28, 01, 23, 08, 78) and those involved (5CT, 179, and 1) or on pit road (58, 57, 81, and 19) will line up at the rear of the field.

  9. So here’s a question, do teams have to return to be paid?

  10. Thanks Russell

  11. Fast Eddie says

    Hey zig13, here’s an additional question. Will the weather be good enough to get all the teams back here? It’s not looking good as of now, hope the weather folks are wrong!

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