Waterford Speedbowl Management Ready To Go Forward With Weekend Schedule

Screen Shot 2014-10-02 at 4.31.05 PMDespite many weather forecasts calling for showers for much of the day and evening Saturday in Waterford, track management at the Waterford Speedbowl is ready to go forward with little change to their original Finale Weekend schedule.

Waterford’s three-day finale weekend schedule opens with an open practice day on Friday from noon to 6 p.m. Saturday’s schedule sees more practice, qualifying and seven feature events. Sunday’s schedule currently has six more feature events on that day’s card. Practice is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. Saturday at Waterford.

“It’s very hard to tell how much, if any, rain we’ll get on Saturday, at this point,” track owner Terry Eames said. “The weather indicators I look at are kind of in conflict with one another. If I go with the source that I find more reliable, we’re not going to get rain until fairly late in the afternoon and then it’s going to go through pretty quickly.

“We’re first recommending that as many people who can come and practice on Friday they should do it because our plan is to really shorten our practice schedule first thing Saturday morning and then get right into qualifying as soon as possible. We’re going to cut down some of our practice schedule so we can start qualifying early. We may eliminate some qualification as we look at the weather. We may have some divisions draw or line up on points. Whatever we can’t cram into a modified Saturday we will run on Sunday.”

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  1. It’s a good plan to move everything up. I’ll be there Saturday.

  2. cash is king says

    ok, so no one wants to ask about the 800 pound gorilla, are we going to get paid if we race?

  3. I doubt u will get paid so limit ur spending an enjoy (most likley) ur last race at the bowl. Just hope someone that loves racing buys it. Hope the two brothers that own a paving bussiness r interested

  4. The paving guys spent there money already sorry .

  5. Oh boy, now we get the “Terry Eames is a horrible person who is stealing from the track and doesn’t pay his drivers blah blah blah…” I’m still an Eames supporter. I don’t know if he’s the best owner, but if you guys heard some of the horror stories from other tracks then you’d know he’s doing his job a hellova lot better than some scumbag promoters out there.

  6. Suckers race last race says

    Great question CIK. LOL, all the check s from a couple weeks ago bounced… any clear yet? And last weeks will bounce for sure again! Anyone want to validate or prove this wrong?
    I was personally thinking of bringing a car there this weekend but just could not bring myself to do it knowing that the probability of getting paid was next to zero. Understand, I would spend at least $3-400 to go and maybe race for $200 top prize money so it’s already a loosing proposition. The fact is no one wants to be a sucker and going to race this weekend is for suckers. Attending as a fan is contribution to the fraud too. I’m washing my hands of the situation and you should too. Stay home.

  7. Suckers,
    My understanding is that there was an accounting issue with some checks two weeks ago which has since been 100 percent reconciled.

  8. It seems like there has been an “accounting” issue for quite a few years and I don’t think that it will it will get any better this race weekend

  9. Bill,
    I’m just stating that whatever the issue was two weeks ago was taken care of fully and that’s it not fair to insinuate on here that there are any teams or drivers waiting to get paid for any past events because that simply is not true. I get it, people want to bash them for issues, but at least be honest about it instead of spreading a lie that there are people waiting to get paid for events that have been run.

  10. What’s the news on the auction? it’s been quiet on that topic for a while now.

  11. Rich,
    Nothing has changed on the auction since before the season began. Oct. 18 is when it’s scheduled for. It’s been that way since the winter.

  12. got that info, I was wondering about Terry’s chances of keeping it or maybe some other racing party keeping it a racetrack?

  13. Rich,
    There’s plenty of “talk” about who wants to get in on bidding at a possible auction. Until that day it’s just talk.

  14. Assuming the Bowl has used up its nine lives and goes to auction, any chatter about Stafford either going to Saturday nights or at least using it as a weekly rain date given all their weather issues of late.

  15. I wouldn’t assume anything. The track has been through a lot already and is still here and will be for years to come. Suckers race last race says, so the 31 street stocks that showed up the last couple weeks are all suckers? And the 31 VMRS cars there this weekend too right?

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