NASCAR Offers Support In Fight To Remove Confederate Flag From South Carolina Capital

The Confederate Flag flies during an event at Darlington Speedway in Darlington, S.C. (Photo: Streeter Lecka/Getty Images)

The Confederate Flag flies during an event at Darlington Speedway in Darlington, S.C. (Photo: Streeter Lecka/Getty Images)

Southern heritage has long been an embraced part of the fabric of NASCAR with stock car racing’s deep roots across the southeast.

And the confederate flag has long been a symbol regularly seen displayed by fans at many major NASCAR events, and not just in the southeast.

But on Tuesday NASCAR’s hierarchy was reiterating their stance that they are against the use of the flag, and offered their support of those who want to see it removed from South Carolina’s capital.

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley asked legislators in the state on Monday to pass a bill that would remove the flag from the Statehouse grounds. The move comes days after nine black worshipers were shot and killed by 21-year-old Dylann Roof at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C.

The confederate flag, while seen as a symbol of Southern heritage, has also long been embraced as a symbol for white supremacist groups. Photos of Roof posing with the flag have emerged since shooting in Charleston.

NASCAR’s statement Tuesday read: “As we continue to mourn the tragic loss of life last week in Charleston, we join our nation’s embrace of those impacted. NASCAR supports the position that South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley took on the Confederate Flag on Monday. As our industry works collectively to ensure that all fans are welcome at our races, NASCAR will continue our long-standing policy to disallow the use of the Confederate Flag symbol in any official NASCAR capacity. While NASCAR recognizes that freedom of expression is an inherent right of all citizens, we will continue to strive for an inclusive environment at our events.”


  1. Would somebody please define “southern heritage”?

    The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

  2. Crazy in NY says

    How about someone explaining “gay pride”.

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