Two weeks after missing an event due to some unexpected medical issues, Ken Cassidy Jr. made his triumphant return to the New London-Waterford Speedbowl Saturday by winning the 25-lap Mini Stock feature.
And the celebration for that victory continue this week.
Cassidy came out on top of a tight battle with Stafford Motor Speedway DARE Stock driver Marcello Rufrano to win this week’s New England Racing Fuel Support Performer of the Week Award.
A late run in the balloting Tuesday gave Cassidy, of Lisbon, 158 of the 522 votes cast this week (30.3 percent).
The 14-year old Rufrano, who celebrated his first DARE Stock victory ever last Friday at Stafford, finished with 122 votes (23.4 percent). Stafford SK Light Modified driver Stephen Kopcik was third in the voting.
Each week during the 2015 racing season the New England Racing Fuel RaceDayCT Support Performer of the Week will be chosen from among drivers competing in events in one of the NASCAR Whelen All-American Series weekly support divisions (excludes SK Modified divisions) at Stafford Motor Speedway, Thompson Speedway and the Waterford Speedbowl.
Cassidy will receive a $20 certificate for race fuel from New England Racing Fuel.
The final voting results are listed below.
Sweet always gets my vote .Go 11 car !
From hospital bed to podium way to go Ken .