The trial of New London-Waterford Speedbowl owner Bruce Bemer is scheduled to begin Monday in Danbury Superior Court.
Bemer was arrested, along with two other men, in March 2017 in connection with a Connecticut based human trafficking ring.
Investigators allege the decades long ring victimized mentally ill young men. Bemer, of Glastonbury, has pleaded not guilty to charges of patronizing trafficking victims under 18 and accessory to human trafficking.
Also arrested in connection with the ring were Robert King of Danbury and William Trefzger of Westport. Kings pleaded guilty and is awaiting sentencing. Trefzger pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a year in prison.
The New London-Waterford Speedbowl is scheduled to open for the 2019 season with the running of Blastoff weekend May 11-12. The main grandstand at the Speedbowl was razed in January. Speedbowl general manager Mike Serluca has said that a new grandstand structure is set to be in place before May 11. It’s unclear if the formerly announced timetable for the completion of the grandstand remains in place.
Bemer was the high bidder in a foreclosure auction of the Speedbowl in October 2014.
Unclear? Why the month long silence and no updates. I think it’s pretty clear something is up. I think Mike had said the new stands were supposed to be delivered tomorrow. Who wants to bet that they need to do more work on the site than what was expected.
Surprised this is going to trial, seems like everyone does a plea deal these days.
Hope it doesn’t impact the season at Waterford
If there were ever a winter for construction this was it. Was by there Saturday and nothing has changed since demolition was completed. Before any structural work begins they have plenty of site preparation to be conducted. All I can say from my observation is if they are going to make opening day they better kick into high gear.
Here is my viewpoint and I’ll stand by it to the end. Combining the trial and circumstances, the lack of a plea deal given the co defendants guilty pleas, the demolition. the stands erection on the eve of the season with Mike Serlucca on an island seeming to imply all is perfectly normal. This is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen on the Connecticut racing scene.
Let’s hope that no matter what the outcome of Bemers trial, racing can continue at the bowl.
Turning down a plea deal that would’ve got him no jail time baffles me. There must be things at play that we’re unaware of. I’m waiting for dafella to chime in with his legal expertise.
Well I’m sure Mr Bemer’s team has been preparing for this and they must think that there is a better shot at clearing his name in a trail. Mr. Bemer changed lawyers months ago and seems they have a plan.
Good luck today Bruce .
Superbowl looks like a bit of clean up under old stands and need to pour pads for new stands . They will not be tearing up a bunch of group they had compact test done prior to tear down.
I have been to the track to look around, as of last week not much has happend since initial teardown(all the photos they took) 40 days to get it done. My guess is owners trial has impeded work. No way Track opens if Bruce is found guilty, the GM is not a financial partner he is a part time Employee
Well, we all should know that justice is not blind, and some are more equal than others. Just look at the Manafort, Trump, and Smollett cases. Smacked on the wrist with a feather. Makes a fine for a parking violation look like cruel and unusual punishment. Bemer’s partners in this were not wealthy and pleaded out. They are also going to be state’s witnesses. Turning down a no-jail deal is interesting, but the other terms and conditions of the deal were probably damning. Bemer probably would have been required to make some sort of admission of guilt or culpability, several years of probation, travel restrictions, therapy, restraining orders, register as a sex offender, stay away from kids and schools, community service, etc. Like the deal Robert Kraft was offered, which he turned down and chose to go to trial. But then, Robert Kraft fears getting thrown out of the NFL and the Patriots franchise losing hundreds of millions of dollars in value, not legal consequences. So Kraft is forced to go to trial and go for the not guilty result, or hung juries that delay and delay and delay and make the state give up and stop prosecuting, or get the state to drop the charges completely, or anything that clears him. Feel sorry for the people that have viewed those Robert Kraft videos. Bemer has the means to game the system. You also need to understand that the prosecution does not want to go to trial and will do what they can to get a plea to avoid a trial, but they have limits.
Wow dareal you just covered the last 3 months national news. Interesting that Bemers co- co spiritors pleaded out. Will they turn states witnesses, what does this mean for Bruce. Time will tell. Hope whatever happens doesn’t affect the bowl, and maybe someday they get their NASCAR sanction back so racers can race for regional, and national points. Time will tell.
Rob p, as long as the ‘bowl continues under the present ownership, a NASCAR sanction is not going to happen. Bemer’s assets are essentially frozen, he’s not allowed to make big moves, only what is considered normal business to conserve assets for future litigation, awards and settlements. In order for Bemer to sell the place, the trial needs to be over, and all civil suits concluded. That is going to take many, many, many years. After the criminal case, there will undoubtedly be years and years of appeals. When all that runs its course, the civil cases start up. That will take years. That is also why Bemer has little choice but to rehab the ‘bowl. He’s gonna be in litigation for years if not a decade or more. The town appeared to have hit the limit on how much longer the place was going to be allowed to operate in that condition “one more year”. Since Bemer can’t sell it and the town was at their limit, there was no choice but to rehab the place. Otherwise, it would sit idle, lose value and interest, and go away. Bemer would lose all value. Now he’ll be able to recover something from a sale of the place years from now. It’s been two years since Bemer was arrested and this case is just going to trial.
But then, has construction started? What is the ‘bowl opening date?
With regard to the first DGF entry.
That was impressive. Combining a series of related and unrelated current and recent events. Drawing parallels and conclusions. Using a metaphors, cynicism, assumptions and genuine insights with a dash of conspiracy and condescension. To draw both sophisticated and simplistic conclusions. About events both concluded and in process without regard to either. And doing it in one paragraph.
The Big Mac of commentary. Salty, fatty, a million calories with questionable nutritional value. Impossible to define why it tasted so good but oh man it did.
Bravo. The weirdest and most creative comment ever to be seen in this forum inspired by the weirdest of topics with each only minimally related to racing.
A direct quote from your banter:
“He’s gonna be in litigation for years if not a decade or more.”
You know as much about Bemer’s cases as you do about politics, they are both misguided and ridiculous!
Bemer’s Civil trial starts in June of this year, a few months away.
Well, it’s been 2 years already. Bemer was arrested in March 2017. Investigation was going on for a long time before he was arrested. Perhaps the criminal trial will have reached a decision by June. Doesn’t the criminal trial start any day now? Two months should be more than enough for this case. Should only take a couple days. It’s already been two years, at least. With his cohorts pleading out and testifying against him, it’s looking like a game of brinksmanship. Don’t be surprised to see a last minute deal to close out the criminal case. It’s already been two years since he was arrested.
A part of the plea deal or even a conviction might require that he stay away from young men and children, meaning he probably will not be able to attend the track, since it is being promoted as a family venue.
There are two separate actions.
The criminal jury trial wich started today and…
The civil jury trial brought against him by the aledged victims ( who will end up with 10% of the judgement) and the thieving lawyers ( who will end up w/ 90% of the judgement) wich starts in mid june of this year.
Thieving or otherwise contingency agreements rarely exceed 50% and typically are much lower. The victims have every right to retain an attorney and pay them on a billable hours basis.
They’re not trying OJ or Manafort here. I’d bet three weeks tops. Could be wrong but Judges don’t like tying jurors up longer then absolutely necessary.
Interesting report of the trial, Bemer already has appeals lawyers ready to go.
Other reports say not much happened today, other than Bemer’s lawyers requesting the case be dismissed, and then requesting more time to review stuff and delay, delay and delay.
Dafool, > Just look at the Manafort, Trump, and Smollett cases.
What is the Trump case? Is there was there an indictment we don’t know about.
You don’t like him so he’s “guilty” of something. Typical….
Crazy… the phony Trump University which he closed down and settled for $25 million instead of going to trial. The phony Trump Foundation that was shut down and is being investigated, pending charges. I could go on and on. Amazing that people don’t understand that what he does is illegal and he settles before going to trial. Plenty.
Well didn’t see any news Mr Bemer took a plea deal . Crazy opening day is what l heard . Why don’t we let this play out and no matter what you think of the out come he is a human being and deserves some empathy because maybe when your doing things in life for a period of time you don’t see maybe it’s wrong . My opinion is I don’t believe he is guilty of trafficking I believe that’s what the charges are. I do not believe there was underage people involved. I think solicitation is probably closer to what he should have been charged with. No different than Mr Craft who owns your beloved Patriots. I actually don’t like that man but he’s human also. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again we all have skeletons. No matter the outcome if you know Mr Beemer on a personal level I have seen him show me distance help out people financially and when the things that you can do with no regards or expectations a compensation. I wish him the best of luck. I wish so many of you didn’t judge until the outcome. But most of you he’s guilty no matter what. I’m sure this conversation will continue. God bless all of us.
That was beautiful Viva……..brought a tear to my eye. Indeed the big dance has started. Let’s all watch as the pros take to the floor and maybe exchange some banter about the proceedings. And while you’re at it Viva why don’t you take your own advice and give your continuing judging and excuse making you’ve been so consistent in offering a rest as well.
Day no. one appears to be a win for Bemer’s impressive defense team. Apparently a serial murderer who admitted trafficker King shared a cell with said King told him he was ready to lie about the relationship with Bemer in hopes of getting a more lenient sentence. Bemer attorney Spinella sought to have the case thrown out for not being told on a timely bases. failed as the judge ruled against the motion but no matter. He got State prosecutor Hodge to state she would not be calling King as a witness.
In the end the State lost an important witness and King lost the opportunity to score points toward a more lenient sentence and got assaulted by the serial murderer in the process.
That all goes to show that if you are in the pokey having admitted to sex trafficking charges don’t trust a convicted serial murderer to represent your best interests.
Otherwise day one was dedicated to establishing Bemer engaged in sex for money over a long period of time and admitted it freely.
Viva, read the police reports.
Never ceases to amaze me that people think a good deed negates evil actions.
The profound narcissism and selfishness going on here is stunning. Those of you that are concerned about the track and if you will have a place to go are completely glossing over the real issue. That issue is that Bemer was arrested and charged with some pretty sick things. His accomplices are already done and are guilty, sentenced or awaiting sentencing. They will testify against Bemer. Just because the guy did something nice does not mean he gets a pass for anything illegal he did.
Let’s not gloss over that the reports show Bemer admitted to this. He is on record to acknowledging he did this for some 20 years or more. This is not an isolated singular incident. Bemer’s new lawyers are pulling every trick in the book. This is not a case of a simple John. They preyed upon destitute and challenged people. It’s not as if he were a gay man. If he’s gay, get a life partner and be done with it. There’s plenty of other ways for people to hook up. What is already concluded in court and admitted to was despicable.
I don’t think accomplices is accurate but nonetheless King is out according to Courant reporting.
“Hodge said she would not be calling King as a witness.”
We prove every day how hard it is to be a reporter. David Owens who does court reporting for the Courant or even Mr. Courchesne. To be a reporter you need to meticulously get facts correct. And the hardest part keeping your own feelings and emotions contained. Commenting and punditry is easy and sloppy. Reporting……..hard.
This is the trial. This is what we waited two years for. Trials are super interesting. Why can’t it be enough to just observe actual events and not jump to the verdict?
One day in and there is a twist a writer for a fake TV drama couldn’t have concocted any better.
Budweiser Blast off is scheduled for May 11th. Clock is counting down.
Will it be standing room only????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
For those that don’t get it, there are no grandstands.
Hey Sybil, they did this for 20 years. If that does not qualify as accomplices, what do you call it?
I have to say DGF that Sybil handle is one of the best ever doled out in this forum. In trying to trade taunts and name calling with you I feel alot like Little Marco trying to go toe to toe with Trump. Utterly futile. It is interesting though how you hate the guy so much and seem to emulate many of his tactics.
With regard to Bemer I’m merely suggesting that the time for your sermonizing as well as Viva’s might be over. You’ve been saying the same thing for two years. I don’t think there is anyone that does not know exactly how you feel so what’s the point? Except maybe to copy yet another of our presidents messaging tactics which in endless repetition until it’s seared in everyone’s brain like a brand on cattle.
So I corrected you on King after you suggested he would be testifying. Accomplice suggests sharing the same goal in a crime. Bemer is not charged with the same crimes as King. He’s charged with 7 counts of knowingly patronizing a trafficked person as Mr. Owens reporting suggests. It may be splitting hairs but are johns and pimps accomplices? Or are they committing different crimes at the same time for completely different reasons?
I would think if you were to spend your time more constructively DGF you’d address prosecuting attorney Hodge’s mistake in not informing the defense team of the call Kings cell mate made immediately. Or was is a mistake knowing the witness was burned at the point the accusation was made which rendered him useless to the prosecution. Also will Kings comments to the police after his arrest but before the plea deal addressing Bemer’s roll in the alleged crimes be admitted as evidence and was that Hodge’s plan all along?
I went by the speed bowl Saturday the 30 the and it in no way looks like there even close only had like 6 people working and only saw one working on site work for grandstands
the trial will determine if he innocent or guilty of the charges against him.. typical dareal liberal doesn’t understand the legal system. at the end of the day no one cares.. a john with young gay prostitutes provided by equally immoral peoples and paid for their services with the drugs they craved . funny thing is none of the alleged “victims” ever went to the police, reported it to anyone in authority or a family member ?? .we will see if the track opens. if it doesn’t there are other tracks to watch racing
Less than 6 weeks to the opener… anybody concerned?
Sour Grapes of Diversity: You said “funny thing is none of the alleged “victims” ever went to the police, reported it to anyone in authority or a family member ??”
You should really do a little research on the term “human trafficking” and what it entails.
my opinion is these” persons ” had addiction/behavioral issues. they did things in exchange for drugs, gifts,money whatever… they were not proud of it and perhaps that was a reason for not coming fwd .perhaps the ramifications of being labeled, outed as a gay, prostituting with men was a reason for them failing to report.. that alone does not constitute “trafficking” that I believe is one of the specific felony charges being applied here. look at the cases in Hollywood involving women,men and even children under the protection of their family where immoral and illegal behavior was overlooked for profit ,career advancement or material gifts. not saying any of it is right… remember the prosecution will have to prove the behavior meets the definition of traffic` d ..I don’t believe that will happen . otherwise why risk prison and reject the plea deal with no jail ?.. Bemer was a John .the other creeps possibly participated in the same behavior and also acted as “pimps”. at the end of the day its disgusting to most people but its going to be a misdemeanor first time offense. fine and probation and a slap on the wrist . civil trial outcome will be effected based on the verdict. as I said many times there are people who we do business with every day involved in illegal ,immoral behavior. it can be avoided if these persons are exposed but limits your options. some are able to stay free of detection for a long time .. how long did the creep working in the pits get away with his mis deeds.. he was involved in youth baseball for gods sakes… you never know . has ZERO to do with the track as long as bemer isn`t around minors at the track I could care less if he is paying the deed . if you don’t want to support an immoral gay man then don’t..but don’t say your money isn’t supporting the same behavior somewhere else. its hypocritical .PS every day in new London men engage in similar behavior with women. money for sex .. where’s the outrage ??. People are more outraged because its a gay man just admit it
Sour Grapes of Diversity wrote, “the trial will determine if he innocent or guilty of the charges against him.. typical dareal liberal doesn’t understand the legal system.”
The trial will in no way determine innocence. Only guilty or not guilty. Bemer pleaded not guilty, which is not the same as innocent. It is you that does not understand. The jury will determine if Bemer is guilty or not guilty. They will not judge innocence.
Sour Grapes: You need to look up the difference between prostitution and human trafficking, and then look up the difference between soliciting a prostitute and soliciting a trafficked person. As far as not accepting a previous plea deal offer? Could be for many reasons. Taking a plea deal would have likely involved pleading guilty to a felony sex charge, which would have likely had some major effects on the defendant’s abilities to operate multiple businesses which he owns. I know you’ve lobbied for years that this is just an open and shut case of a John enjoying some prostitutes. People who are arrested for soliciting a prostitute don’t typically become the focus of six-month plus investigations involving the FBI, have their businesses raided, get half-million dollar bails and have two year lead-ups to trial.
A bit maybe. But not as much as you year after year.
Then shouldn’t it be not guilty until proven guilty instead or innocent until proven guilty.
dareal has already made up his mind .. “not innocent’ LOL….shawn it is a high profile case .. it will flicker and die ..all ballyhoo ..sorry thats what I feel will happen.. large bail because he has the ability financially to flee…. if he was a dishwasher the bail would have been much less… some cases take years to come to trial.. simple cases where a not guilty plea is entered … six months to investigate ??? prosecuters office and or ask them in New London.. typical prostitution case pleading not gulty where plea deal is rejected long to adjudicate .. bet its a couple years easy .. reason it took has taken so long ??? .. the state screwed up had to go back and do more investigation /research to prepare for a trial they never expected to take place … you do the research Shawn ! ..ask any attorney who has trial experience.. they would have told Bemer to plead .. he didn`t … sorry its going to be an OJ deal ..not guilty unless the plea deal is still on the table …not approving of bemers behavior man being provided at risk youth for drugs, money or presents by his equally sick friends for his / their entertainment . sounds appalling ..plea deal as far as I know would have required him to register as a sex offender. he chose not to do that so…. here we are .. answer coming sooner than later . we will see
Sour Grapes: We can keep going back and forth on this all day. I get your stance that Bemer is just a guy who got some prostitutes for 20 years. Obviously investigators and authorities see it otherwise. Six month investigation, yes. Bemer was being investigated for more six months before he was arrested. His business had been raided more than six months before he was arrested. Again, “slap on the wrist” John’s who solicit a prostitute don’t have investigators watching them for six months or raiding their businesses. I get that you see this as rainbows and unicorns and just the man coming down on a guy looking to have some fun and entertainment, but it’s definitely more than that.
Once again you back seat lawyers know everything. I’m a little bit closer to the source and most to you. Seemed like it was a pretty good day in court from the Mr. Beemer. Seems like they’ve done their homework a little bit better than the prosecution side. It’s still early and live to be gone through. Seems pretty funny though. It’s like shooting holes in a water barrel eventually it’s going to run out . The prosecution seems to be getting a lot of holes in their Barrel. Good luck and God bless enjoy this article.
After 2 days it appears the defense team is way ahead of prosecution. As suspicuous I am of Bruce, if I was on the Jury I would be leaning in his favor.
DGF scores. It is guilty or not guilty.
Bemer not an “accomplice” but an “accessory”.
First day King’s testimony is burned but the motion to dismiss is denied when the State says King is not to be called as a witness. We don’t know however if Kings interviews by police or the FBI prior to the plea deal stating Bemer knew in affect what King was doing will be entered as evidence.
Day two, two victims testify and provide accounts of the extreme lengths King would go to. Involving time, befriending the victims and manipulating them and keeping them in servitude with drugs. So craven that he would reintroduce drugs to a person that had been clean to get him back in the life. The good news for the defense is one witness said that he hid the drugs from Bemer knowing his client didn’t like to see them.
State’s attorney Hodge is painting a picture that is nowhere near complete. Prosecutors build cases they don’t expend their best witness and evidence early.
Bruce Bemer’s involvement of an illegal activity is not in question. For now all Hodge is doing is establishing King’s modus operadi. Specifically to expend long periods of time befriending vulnerable young men to gain their trust then introducing and keeping them in servitude with drugs.
Up to this point that’s all that is in play. At some point Hodge will have to pivot to make the connection that Bemer did in fact know of Kings extraordinarily depraved efforts to keep the flow of damaged, expendable young victims flowing. Whether she can do it beyond a reasonable doubt is the only question.
For now 6 of our peers are hearing specifics of some of the most despicable manipulation of vulnerable people imaginable over a really long period of time.
If you believe this is going well for Bemer you may be kidding yourself.
The defense is making like they are the victims. They are complaining about non-issues, as the judge has ruled against them. The defense is claiming they didn’t know about or see evidence and other things in a timely manner. Typical steps to accuse the prosecution of impropriety, and try to cast the prosecution as not playing by the rules. To be expected given the evidence. All a show to jade the jury against the state and prosecution. They only need to sway one jury member to prevent a guilty conviction.
And you need to understand that the best that could happen for the defense is that the jury finds Bemer not guilty. That is not the same as innocent. Juries do not find or rule on innocence, only guilty or not guilty. It is possible that a person that is not innocent can be found not guilty by a jury.
Go read the reports and published information. Bemer is on the record admitting to all we have read about.
The defense has to hammer the prosecution and if they are following the rules perfectly, and if they make a misstep, the defense has to pounce to use it to get the charges dismissed, or noted for future appeals and protests. The outcome of this case rests on the quality of the prosecution and if they play it out perfectly with no damaging mistakes that put the case at risk. And that is exactly the approach the defense is taking. The defense is attacking the prosecution itself, not the evidence or facts of the case.
Here’s a bit of public information I bet you guys didn’t know. The town of Danbury has a law that says everybody interviewed by the police is to be videotaped. Pretty funny how there’s video on everybody except for mr. Beemer. So all you guys who said that he admitted this we’ll never know if the cops are lying or not because they didn’t videotape it and it’s their own law. Just more fun facts.
Viva, please tell us how you are closer than the rest of us, and why we should believe you.
How do you know who has and has not been video recorded?
Public info .
After reading the day paper today, if I was part of his defense, I’d be fairly pleased with how it’s going so far. One thing’s for sure, let this be a lesson for you kids out there. Don’t do drugs.
Day three provided another attempt by Spinella to have the case dismissed when the conservator for a victim under treatment in a facility commented the victim attempted suicide after being approached to testify. The request was denied and the jury told to ignore that part of the testimony.
Spinella also reported that one victim that was subpoenaed to testify called his office to say all the victims were lying.
Otherwise it was more witnesses describing the common theme. King going to extraordinary lengths to manipulate vulnerable young men with mental issues and in some cases homeless using drugs as leverage. Creating chemical fueled needs and financial debt then providing the answer to help pay for the debt and drug induced physical need he created. The answer being having sex with Bruce Bemer and others for money.
David Owen of the Courant reports today may be last last day of testimony by victims and State’s attorney Hodge will be wrapping up the States case shortly after.
I don’t share the view this is going well for the defense.
Proving trafficking is about proving “coercion”. In this case coercion takes the form of drugs. Creating or fueling the need for drugs then providing an answer that is not only illegal but immoral.
Trafficking isn’t in question seeing as how King has already plead guilty to it. The relationship of King to Bemer is not in question since Bemer has already admitted to it.
The only link that is missing is Bemer’s knowledge that the young men that were being brought to him for sex were coerced. Spinella wants the jury to believe that in the dozens of encounters Bemer had no idea they were coerced and no idea the men were mentally challenged or drug addicts.
What jurors are sitting through is hour after hour of testimony recounting the behavior of a monster named King without a shred of human decency. A monster that would not only manipulate drug dependent mentally challenged young men but accelerate their drug dependency and in some cases create it for the purposes of making money for himself.
Trafficking and coercion are established. The only thing left to do for Hodge is convince the jury that a fiercely intelligent, successful man over the course of countless encounters with numerous young men over decades knew they were damaged, vulnerable people being coerced.
It’s not a lock for sure. But the jurors are not Waterford Speedbowl fans that would excuse any despicable behavior to keep their summer entertainment tradition in tact.
After reading the reports of the testimony, it will be interesting to see if even the most selfish and narcissistic of you will continue to support Bemer so you can still have your favorite little track available. Make sure you read the reports of the testimony, that’s the guy you are hoping is cleared so you can have a racetrack available to you. No parents reading about this will ever bring their kids to this track again, regardless of the jury decision. And all you big, musclebound, macho tattooed, goateed crew members, how do you feel about being around a creepy old guy that is dreaming about having you over his house so he can do to you what he’s been doing to dozens of other boys and men for decades?
Supporting the track is supporting this guy and his behavior. He funded it. What he spent on sex with these men and boys funded and enabled this situation.
Whether the prosecution is pressing the right charges, can prove those charges, and doesn’t make mistakes is another issue. Even if Bemer is found not guilty, the evidence presented in court and his own admissions are damning. His lawyer is acknowledging his deeds. His lawyer is trying to find ways to alter the perception so those deeds do not look like what is needed to align with the charges. Even if Bemer is found not guilty, it does not exonerate him. His own admissions and the evidence presented in court are damning. If the jury finds he’s not guilty of all of the the charges, that does not mean he did not do what he did. It does not mean what he did was not bad, fetish, or deviant.
What Bemer did and tried to get the victims to do, per court testimony, was such that I won’t paste it in these forums. This could be considered deep into fetishes. Forget the legal issues, this is the guy you want to hang with at the track.
You never cease to amaze me how much of an know it all DaUnReal. This man is guilty of soliciting a prostitute. No more no less you can read between the lines better than anybody. You never cease to amaze me your ongoing rants it must be nice to be a useless person that sits at home all day long and plays on the computer and has opinion about everything. You’re probably one of those guys on eBay rights people to tell him that their stuff is crap are you one of those guys on Craigslist that tells you what everything you own is worth your words mean nothing here Da real. And may God help me that you never ever show up at the Speedbowl we don’t need you we don’t need negative people. People make mistakes they’ve learned from them he didn’t realize what he was doing he’s learned from it. There’s nobody at the Speedbowl in 4 years it’s ever brought up a thing against them. Yeah do your homework.
Speaking of the the most selfish and narcissistic of you that will continue to support Bemer so you can still have your favorite little track available, Viva, you need to read the reports. Bemer was supplied boys and challenged young men by a pimp. The pimp was part of the deal. The pimp prepared and served the boys to Bemer. It’s far more complicated than simply soliciting a prostitute.
This isn’t negative, I’m just reading the reports. What Bemer did was certainly negative. You want to make believe it doesn’t exist. You also need to read the reports and realize that Bemer’s lawyer acknowledges he did the sex acts on these boys and men, and what not. The case seems to be all about trying to make it look like Bemer had no idea that these were not simple prostitutes. They were groomed and coerced by Bemer’s supplier. This went on for decades. You think Bemer had no idea what King was doing? You think Bemer and King never talked about what Bemer was asking for and what to look for? Bemer admitted this has gone on for decades. You really are special to think he did this for decades and had no idea what was going on, thought it was simple solicitation. They preyed on people that couldn’t help themselves. They put these people into positions of dependency and could then be coerced, manipulated and controlled. This isn’t a simple mistake, say “Oops, my bad” and move on. Do you realize that the FBI was investigating this for months and months? They don’t get involved for simple solicitation. This wasn’t a single event, it was a systematic search and grooming of vulnerable victims over decades. It worked for a very long time, decades. He certainly pushed his luck too far. Got very complacent.
Hey Viva, how’s the construction doing at the track? May 11th is getting closer and closer. Where are you going to sit? 😂 😆 😝 🤣 Do really think all those grandstands will be built and certificated by opening day?
Don’t be surprised if scheduled series start pulling out of the NLWSB schedule. I don’t think they want to be guilty by association. Especially after all the testimony that has been published.
da real.. based on your position no one will attend the speedbowl , play baseball in plainfield. buy a subway sandwich ,buy or listen to Michael Jackson music, see a Hollywood movie,go to church or participate in scouting.. should I keep going ?? .. LOL you need some anger management
Day 4 report definitley feels like a change of the momentum back to the Prosecution. FBI witness was strong in his Testimony, FBI didnt care about potential other John’s, basically saying Bruce’s involvement is way deeper than that. Defense tried to discredit the FBI, that is a little hard to do
Sour, good point. Just like all the advertisers that left Bill O’Reilly, and are leaving Tucker Carlson and Judge Pirro. Bill Cosby lost it, CK is pariah, and the list goes on. Trump hotels are imploding, Trump branded buildings have ALL taken down the names. Church participation is way down. The Catholic Church is collapsing, selling off their real estate, churches converted to commercial or residential uses, that’s obvious. Scouting is linked to the Church, and has been receding as well. They are playing a ploy now to allow girls in the scouts to make up for the losses. The bowl lost the NASCAR sanction and some series.
sour, why hasn’t anything happened at the bowl since the stands were taken down? It’s been a pretty good season for construction. And the opener is only a few weeks away. Care to lend your insight?
Let’s be clear, Bemer is up against 7 felony soliciting of a prostitute charges and one charge of accessory trafficking. Bemer’s lawyer acknowledges the soliciting, that’s well documented. The charge they seem to be fighting over is the trafficking.
Whatever the outcome this track has suffered a black eye that will never go away unless it is sold. If you think it’s going to open on time I think you’re mistaken. I can’t see the place ever thriving again under this awful cloud. I do remain hopeful for a miracle of a new racing oriented owner.
Viva, Sour, why is the FBI testifying in this case?
cant answer that one dareal…agree with you with the exception of a short cold spell this would have been a really good time to get ahead on the project but we have NOT heard anything from the latest incarnation of a GM.. where is the promised transparency Magic Mike ?????? I don’t follow the permit process I don’t care If there are stands opening day I will be there ..If not I could care less. will go to Stafford ..perhaps Seekonk . the Serluca / Monahan bromance has me concerned about what is actually happening behind the scenes at the speebowl .very curious as to where this will all end up.. we should get all the answers soon.
I’m thinking it’s time for Bemer to fire his present lawyers to buy some more delays and time.
Any anytime a crime crosses borders ie Connecticut New York the FBI is involved. I believe some other people testifying are from New York.
I would not be surprised if they never got the proper permits to do the demo and are now in trouble.
Viva race fan: I know we’ve kind of let the commenters here have a dialogue concerning this case and what’s being reported by mainstream news outlets in the courtroom. That said, you have a history here of just posting lies in the comments section. For example, on Nov. 24, 2017 you stated that you saw the small grandstand in turn one was already removed from the Speedbowl after the management at the track had announced plans to replace the grandstands. As anybody with vision who went to the track in 2018 could see, you made that information up. And there’s been quite a few other times when you’ve come to the comments section and stated things that were just out and out lies concerning the Speedbowl. It’s one thing to make up information about grandstands or who’s working at the track or whatever it might be, but now you’re just making information up about the law and procedures of certain jurisdictions or how federal authorities work on cases. Please don’t. There’s enough misinformation floating around in plenty of other areas. Please don’t come here and act like you’re an authority on the law when you’re really just making up information. I’m trying to let there be a open dialogue on this topic, and I think it’s a fair topic for people to talk about considering it might have a lot to do with the future of this track. But please, if you don’t know, don’t act like you do. Thank you.
I apologize Shawn I didn’t mean to come across like that. And you are correct I did thought I saw the stands taking down the small ones but they had stripped the boards out of it and from the road it look like they weren’t there. As far as the other things I have posted they are the truth. If you want to email me personally I can tell you my source. But now it’s been a good topic and some interesting thoughts. But I’ve been through something like this in my lifetime and I kind of know how Bruce feels. That’s all I’m going to say for now.
Hey Viva, I couldn’t care less about how Bruce feels. This isn’t about how he feels. It’s about his victims and how they feel and can recover. Bruce is the accused here, he did this to himself. I’m concerned about his victims and what was done to them to get them to have no choice but to go along with this, and the damage from being addicted to drugs to control them. I feel for those people, the victims, not those that did it to them.
I totally understand the empathy for the victims. There’s so much more to the story I’ve almost every crime committed that will never come out. People struggling with drugs is horrible my friend is there a local policeman and I hear him speak of losing a whole generation of people to opioids. That’s amazing people don’t value life as they should. I feel for everybody in this story. But also as being someone who’s been through the system of law. Not everything is stated is true. In my case the police wrote the report not the victim. And that’s what I fought against a police statement. At least Bruce is getting his chance to at least clear his name to some extent of the trafficking that’s a very serious charge. I like most you hope that Mike S can you get this put together down there and we have a successful opening weekend. I have offered my help to help clean up so we can get ready to open on time ..
The reporting on the proceedings for Thursday was sketchy and nothing for Friday that I can see. Even when you get reports its impossible to gauge the impact of testimony when you can’t see the participants so in any case we’re mostly flying blind.
Looking back there may have been a benefit to Kings testimony being burned. Prosecuting Attorney Hodge was free to expose the extent of Kings monstrous behavior in attracting and keeping his group of young men needy for money and drugs. And she did a great job at that. King lost his opportunity to mitigate his sentence by testifying for the prosecution with his big mouth. He’ll pay for that most likely when his sentence is handed down.
Can’t tell for sure how this is going but I’m optimistic. That the State has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Bemer not on knew of the coercion taking place but that it was part of the thrill for him. A powerful, wealthy man with complete control over young men he could objectify without fear of protest. The drugs saw to that. Not only at his expansive home over an insane amount of time unquestioned but in his businesses as well. How disgusted his parents Francis and John Bemer would have been knowing he not only used the nearly 6 decades old business he inherited from them to help fund illegal activity but to actually bring men to the business they worked so hard to start.
A mistake? A teenage driving drunk, getting stopped and arrested for DUI is a mistake. This is the opposite of a mistake. This is a pattern of well thought out illegal activity involving a conspiracy that at it’s foundation was based on the worst possible, carefully contrived planning and management over a long period of time.
Were I to be in the Speedbowl orbit I’d continue to go to the track as long is it had races. Or if Bemer Petroleum had good prices I’d get my propane tanks filled there as well. All the time knowing that over the course of time that Bemer’s business empire will bleed out and change hands because that is simply justice.
The arrogance of rejecting the plea deal exposing the victims to further humiliation takes redemption off the table forever.
I’m cautiously optimistic that the jury of 5 men and 3 women will come to the fair verdict. A judgement day that will assure that Mr. Bemer is slapped with significant jail time or bleeds out financially faster appealing it in his golden years that will end like we all do but in complete disgrace.
Viva, I’ve known some lawyers over the years, and I’ve heard plenty about how police reports contain untruthful statements that cause problems for the accused, or cause the case to be lost or dismissed. That too gets addressed in court, and the credibility of the charges, and the ability to substantiate and prove all statements and charges is reflected in the jury decision. So not only is the accused on trial, but the quality of the the law enforcement, prosecution and the legal justice system. Many times, when a ‘not guilty’ verdict is achieved, it often has to do with that the charges were wrong or the system was broken. Our legal justice system is also designed to protect against false accusations.
The best option for the ‘bowl to survive is that Bemer has to liquidate, the track is sold in a distress sale for a low price, and someone credible buys it and revitalizes it. Regardless of the outcome of this case, the track has to be sold. The place is toxic and needs to be refreshed, and that can only start with new ownership.
1000 words or more Doug vs 500 words or more goodfella. Couple of crap house lawyers going at it. Complete and total domination.
I would be the last to dispute your conclusion humphry about DGF and myself.
It is a little disappointing that you would attempt to pivot the conversation from the serious topic it is as it moves into a critical final stage. Reducing it to two completely irrelevant, anonymous writers of comments and offering nothing of substance on the topic.
Lets make it simple, the jury of his peers will decide his fate, not any of us on this blog regardless of the speculation. The fallout will begin, then I will be happy to express my feelings on the subject and as of right now it is irrelevant.
An interesting report:
And I respect that humphry.
I’d also ask you not to assume that whatever guidelines you have set for yourself be shared shared by anyone other then yourself nor give you the right to moderate what is said an how long it take to say it.
The position is already taken.
I’m really glad I don’t live in that peripheral box a lot of you do. To think that they’re going to bleed off all his assets so far everything I’ve read in the testimonies the cross-examinations the unexplainable attempts by the prosecutor to throw darts has not worked out. They’ve been shot down over and over again. The FBI agent said it was too big of a pain in the ass and a long ways to travel to chase down other potential people involved. Some of the things that people say it’s just unbelievable. Listen I don’t wish that on anybody. For the two shows when you do your homework things may work out for Mr Bruce. Friday was closed hearings. There was no jury involved. I believe they worked on different rulings. Well I was at the Speedbowl today and I saw them cleaning up loading stuff in the dumpster. And prepping the site. I’m sure they’ll be more work there tomorrow. So if you’re not at the track Dareal watching Thompson why would I get from you you’re just a couch potato way too much time on your hands. Why don’t you get off your butt and come on down I’ll be there working try to do my best to help the place open. I’d love to sit have a conversation with you man to man. You definitely an interesting concept of life and you’re probably really entertaining to talk to. Well God bless more coming dot-dot-dot.
Viva, smartphones are amazing devices. Like Dick Tracy and Star Trek combined. I can read and post on my smartphone. While you are working at the ‘bowl, I’ll be enjoying what looks to be another glorious New England spring day at Thompson.
Hey Viva, will the new concrete be poured in time? It takes about 4 weeks for concrete to achieve 100% strength, longer in cold and cooler weather. Any concrete better be poured in the next two weeks if they are going to meet the May 11 date. Good luck.
Maybe they were negotiating a plea deal on Friday. And maybe the FBI didn’t see the need to collect even more witnesses since the several they have are extremely compelling. After all, Bemer has admitted that he has been doing this for 20-25 years. Closing arguments are tentatively scheduled for Tuesday. Perhaps a jury decision later next week. As far as bleeding off his assets… a lawyer for numerous other victims are in the court watching and gathering evidence for the civil suits that will follow after the criminal case. They will be going after his assets. I wouldn’t be surprised if he pulls an OJ and moves to Florida where his assets would be untouchable. That’s how OJ protected himself. Has OJ found the murderer of his wife and her friend?
Lol . I am not sure what day the concrete is being poured. I know they’re working their butts off and waiting for things with the town. I even told him I’d come sit in a folding chair to watch opening day if the stands weren’t complete. You guys focus on the wrong things. At least things are getting done at the Speedbowl Bruce could have just walked away from this place. Let’s be all appreciative of all the people trying to help when the people from the town over trying to help. I’m sure it’s going to be a busy week there in between the weather. As far as his assets and him moving to Florida and like OJ it’s such an idiot comment. Well the Dareal tell me where you going to be standing. I’ll come visit with you. I’ll be there in four the modified race. I would really like to meet the man behind the mouth. Well everybody have a blessed day it’s race day again. Looking forward the local racing at my track. Have a blessed Sunday everyone.
I’ll admit if we’re not there and are only reading news reports of the proceedings assuming you know how it’s going is a fools errand. Even if you’re in the courtroom it’s impossible to know how the jury in processing the testimony. I want to believe it’s going well for the prosecution but I don’t know it is.
I don’t see what these proceedings have to do with the Speedbowl other then victims attending races. In a group cattle call as well it would appear. We’re reading about some of the most heinous behavior humans can inflict on other humans with carnage to lives everywhere. A verdict only days away and you’re worried about when the footings will go in. Whoa!
All eyes will be on what witnesses the defense calls and what their strategy will be. One would think if they were so quick to pass on the plea they have a trick or two up their sleeve. Or maybe DGF is right and a plea agreement is afoot that would be quite the bombshell.
Stay tuned folks, this week could have fireworks.
God Bless all of us. Good day of racing at Thompson today . Sk’s had a good 1/2 finish . Lots of good things to see and lots of nice weather . Many people were out and about and seem happy to have with the Little warm weather. Thanks Shawn for this forum.
Viva, you need to accept that the ‘bowl will never thrive with the present ownership. It needs to be sold, and hopefully a person or group with real racing experience takes over. After all that has been made public since Bemer’s arrest and the details in the trial, it’s going to be hard to get sponsors, series, sanctioning bodies, and teams to run there.
Especially since there’s no place for fans to sit.
Another article on the trial. A bit outdated but has some interesting anecdotes.
In any event the State has a fall back position. Misdemeanor solicitation with jail time not to exceed 1 year and fine not to exceed $2000.
If I was Bruce and you didn’t want to reset my track then don’t come. It’s my track and I’ll run the way I wanted to . You don’t need NASCAR NASCAR ruins too much stuff. He does need a point fun and give people something to race for but after the trial maybe he can put some focus on that. It’s going to be an interesting week.
Viva, this has nothing to do with the way the track is run, it has everything to do with the salacious charges and testimony in court involving the owner of the track. It is about the impact of Bemer on the track, and that people have been staying away. It was pretty lean last season.
And read the reports carefully… this is not simple prostitution. It is soliciting in trafficked persons. A much more serious charge.
The latest report:
A year ago Spinella said this:
“Attorney Anthony Spinella, who is Bemer’s defense attorney, told the “Hartford Courant” that the state’s case is weak. “First and foremost, the alleged plaintiffs have severe mental health and drug problems, ” Spinella said. “We think that’s seriously going to impede their credibility.”
Spinella added that two of the victims have died and others have been in and out of jail since Bemer’s arrest. “Their case is getting weaker by the day,” Spinella said.”
That’s about as crass as it gets suggesting your client was involved with people so messed up they are not credible witnesses. Now suggesting they are credible in a case against King but Bemer didn’t know they were being coerced with drugs.
That’s Spinella’s closing? Drugs aren’t powerful tools in coercing people to do things they wouldn’t normally do. That addicts can walk away from suppliers anytime they want.
Who knows what the jury will decide. Spinella is a piece of work himself.
Dareal , you don’t get it he doesn’t need to care about anybody else he has enough money and he wants to run the track his way it’s all on him. Why would you own something you have millions of dollars into a not go to why would even keep it. I told him years ago to sell the property and put a truck stop there it’s a perfect location. But he enjoys the racetrack. He surely didn’t buy this to make money. Well let’s see how the day goes. I don’t think they’ve done enough to prosecute him. I think you’ve done a very poor job they haven’t done their homework and Bruce’s team has.
Juries take their job extremely serious in judging others especially is criminal cases. The judge usually gives the jury advise on the specific laws in play and what they are deciding. They’ll decide based on those instructions as well as the cases presented.
Regardless of the verdict one thing has been accomplished and the defense admitted as much. Bemer associated with one of the worst sorts imaginable for the purpose of engaging in an illegal activity whether that is a felony of misdemeanor. Bemer once respected will end his life carrying that albatross to his grave.
Bemer has enjoyed stronger support then expected.
In this thread several people have come to his defense lead by one in particular. It’s been hard to understand.
Most of us like to believe there are basic lines you don’t cross. We may not be perfect but it’s inhumane to take advantage of others weaknesses to fuel our entertainment.
Apparently for some this doesn’t apply. There are no standards of conduct. There is only money, power and self interest. They respect survival of the fittest and Bemer was the fittest based on money and position in society. The young men he victimized were defective. Weaklings mentally and easily manipulated with drugs and money. They deserved to be used as much as lions use weaker animals for nourishment. If some remain hooked on drugs forever, end up in State facilities or die…..oh well. They were the weaklings and disposable
I don’t think Bemer’s supporters could say it that way exactly because it would seem crass. In my view it’s the only way you can get to excusing Bemer’s life style that left human carnage in it’s wake. He deserved to because he was the strongest and they were weak.
It’s been discouraging seeing his admitted behavior over a long period of trivialized. I guess that’s reflective of the times we live. Where many of the behaviors that were once universally condemned are just not that impportant depending on what tribe you’re in.
Viva, I’ve never said how Bemer should run his track. Just what needs to be done so it might thrive again. Again, I am not telling Bemer how to run his track. That the track is his is a huge problem for the track. For the track to survive and thrive, Bemer needs to go, and sell the track. That is not telling him how to run the track, for when he sells the track he will no longer be running it.
Viva wrote, “Dareal , you don’t get it he doesn’t need to care about anybody else he has enough money and he wants to run the track his way it’s all on him.”
Wow, where do I begin? Perhaps the prosecution should use that line in the closing arguments. That seems to sum up the problem here, in that Bemer doesn’t need to care about anybody else. If he did care about those mentally ill male drug addicts he was preying on to have sex with, then he might not be in this mess. He put his sexual needs above the well being of those mentally ill male drug addicts.
Doug, good point. Spinella is trashing the victims as mentally ill drug addicts. In other words, he is showing that they are vulnerable prey, easy pickings. I wonder if Spinella is really acting in the best interests of Bemer with some of the things he has said. But one thing is certain, Spinella has not denied that Bemer used these mentally ill male drug addicts for his sexual jollies. Spinella is trying to make this look like common prostitution. Think about career day at a high school and the kids are presented with career options like mechanic, pilot, truck driver, lawyer, doctor, engineer and prostitute. Do you think mentally ill drug addicts wake up in the morning and have the idea that they are going to seek out opportunities to be prostitutes? Nah, those things come to them as part of the trafficking, as appears to have happened in this case. The issue is if the prosecution was able to make the case that met the criteria of trafficking, which appears to be above and beyond common prostitution. Bemer does not appear to expect to win this case since he has had an appeals lawyer in court. So those of you that are claiming that things are doing great for the defense, think again. The defense has been preparing all along for a loss and appeal.
Regardless of what happens thanks to Racedayct for letting the thread flow pretty much unfettered. Racing is entertainment and this is the opposite. The ugliest side of life.
I appreciated the links put up as well as the people supporting Bemer expressing their thoughts that I obviously don’t share but would rather know of then not.
the justice system has spoken.. the man was targeted due to his sexual orientation. hope Monahan and Serluca are happy now ..let the fun and games begin…. LOL.. this is a great day for dareal goodfella..
sour grapes wrote, “the justice system has spoken.. the man was targeted due to his sexual orientation. …”
I don’t see any flocks of liberal LGBTQ supporters protesting on Bemer’s behalf. Do you?
Sour : “the justice system has spoken.. the man was targeted due to his sexual orientation.”
No, he wasn’t targeted because of that. He was using people to get his jollies. No one cares what his sexual orientation is at all. If he was doing the same thing to mentally ill FEMALE drug addicts then the same things would have happened. To think that this only happened because of his sexual orientation just shows how blind you are to the disgusting things Bemer has been doing for decades.