Youth Engagement: Nicole LaRose Taking On Multifaceted Role With Tri-Track Modified Series

Nicole LaRose (Photo: Tom Morris Racing Photography)

Since its inception in 2014 the Tri-Track Open Modified Series has been a division where management focus has long leaned toward participant teams. 

Improving fan engagement, fan experience and generally putting more emphasis on the entertainment value of the series away from the action on the track is something series operators Ed Bennett and Wayne Darling would like to tackle in 2020.

And to take on that task, series management has turned to someone already well known in the local racing community. 

Nicole LaRose, who has served in multiple multimedia roles since 2017 at Stafford Motor Speedway, has joined the Tri-Track Open Modified Series in a multi-faceted role. 

“We want to do more for the race track and fan element,” said Ed Bennett, who replaced Mark Pennink as part of the series operating group before the 2019 season. “I don’t think I we’ve done a good job with that. We’re going to try to add a little more fun to it. And I think Nicole can help a lot.” 

The 19-year old LaRose, the daughter of veteran local racer Ernie LaRose, has already begun working with the series to bolster their social media presence. At events she will take on a fan engagement role and also oversee the direction of victory lane ceremonies for all events. 

“Just being more open with the fans and communicating is going to be a key,” LaRose said. “… I definitely think I’m the person for that job. I’m super social at the track. … I’m just happy to be there. I’ve admired Tri-Track for years now. When they called me up to be a part of it I was just like ‘Absolutely.’ 

“I think the series has grown in such a positive ways the last few years and a lot more people want to be involved. I think it will help a lot to get things out more through media and [social media]. That’s the goal. … A lot of people hear ‘Hey this teenage girl is going to be doing this role now’ and they might laugh, but I have tons of experience. And I think I can relate more to the younger generation through media and the connections that way. I know what they want to see and I know what they want to hear.” 

Said Bennett: “We’d like to get some younger people involved in what we’re doing,” Bennett said. “We’ve got some younger drivers involved. Ronnie Williams has done really well and obviously won the championship. We have Matt Swanson also. There’s a lot of likable young guys and we want to push that.” 

In 2017, through her personally formed NLarophoto endeavor, created and sold her first calendars to support a driver sponsorship program. She awarded a $2,500 sponsorship for the 2018 season and last year was able to award a driver with a $5,000 sponsorship through calendar sales. She’ll once again award a $5,000 sponsorship for the 2020 season from calendar sales. 

In addition to her roles with social media and at track involvement with the Tri-Track Open Modified Series, LaRose will also work with the series management away from the track in creating and gaining financial support for a newly created race awards program to be started for the 2020 season.

“Obviously I have experience in media, but I’m looking forward getting more experience with the sponsorship interaction part,” LaRose said. “I’ve done that for myself with Nlarophoto, so it’s exciting to now do that with Tri-Track.”  

Bennett also confirmed said that Missy Pearl, a longtime event official will the series, will take on a role on a further administrative management role with the series away from the track. 

“She has energy that is just incredible,” Bennett said. “We’re so happy to have her with us.” 

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  1. This sounds like some great positive additions to the TriTrack team. Congrats an good luck in your new roles!

  2. Awesome both lady’s are a great asset to racing in general

  3. They had to replace LI and DW. I guess we know who with now.

  4. I told ya!!!!

    Clearly, Bennett and Darling have been reading my free advice. They had to find replacements for Schaeffer and Williams.

  5. You reading this Ms LaRose. Love your pit reports. They might seem like they’d be easy but coming up with relevant questions over and over again and showing you know what each interviewee is up to is hard and you make it look so natural.
    Nice gig but build on it with the theory end of it by continuing your education.

  6. She’s a great choice for PR. Knowledgeable pit reports and a great photographer to boot.

  7. Stuart Fearn says

    Nicole is a natural because she’s passionate about racing, that makes it easy and natural flowing. She always has insightful and relevant questions no matter the driver or division. Wise and mature beyond her years, she will be successful at whatever she sets her mind to.

  8. Does this mean it’s stafford s loss , or will she be multi tasking , either way best of luck

  9. Good luck and best wishes to Nicole.

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