RaceDayCT Racing Season Kickoff Party Postponed To A Date To Be Determined

Coronavirus wins this round, but we’re not giving up the fight.

I think a wise man once said, you gotta fight for your right to party. Or maybe that’s just a bad Beastie Boys song.

In all seriousness, we understand many people are taking great precautions due to the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic, and we feel it’s best at this time to postpone the 2020 RaceDayCT Racing Season Kickoff Party which was scheduled for March 29 at Four Seasons by the Lake.

But we have a funny feeling that the racing season in Connecticut is going to be delayed too, so we’re figuring a delayed racing season means a delayed kickoff party celebrating the racing season.

So when the time is right we’ll announce a new date for the 2020 Inaugural “First Annual” Coronavirus Postponed Sixth Annual RaceDayCT Racing Season Kickoff Party.

When it does finally happen, the sixth year of the RaceDayCT Racing Season Kickoff Party will see the soirée returning to the wonderful Four Seasons By The Lake restaurant and bar at 51 Old Springfield Rd. in Stafford.

We’ll have whatever Cup Series race is on that weekend on the big screens and like every other year have plenty of ticket giveaways, prize giveaways and many more very special giveaways from all your favorite events and tracks.

Follow the RaceDayCT Racing Season Kickoff Party Event Page on Facebook to be ready when we announce the new date and all the great giveaways that will take place.

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  1. Racer,
    What’s the point you’re trying to make here with your link?

  2. Shawn, Racer has no idea.

    But, I’m sad to see this postponement. I was just thinking, we could really use the RaceDayCT kickoff, but it is best it be postponed. It will be very welcome when it happens!

  3. He may be reminding us that CVS sells sells cold and flu remedies ,or that our health insurance providers may be at risk at not meeting there potential yearly profit margin . Iam not sure

  4. Shawn, like others, I’m sad to see your party postponed, but I’m glad you have people’s safety in mind. I’m sure when it finally does happen it will be a great event, and am looking forward to it. In the meantime keep up the great work you do.👍👍

  5. Stuart Fearn says

    now da sheet is getting real

  6. Hey Mr. Fearn, glad to see you’re monitoring the forum.
    Was just about to express admiration for a couple of your Facebook posts. The match stick deal was good. Even better this.
    “If I have to self quarantine I’m gonna go it in the race shop!
    Who’s with me?”
    No I can’t be with you working on a race car but I will be in the shop self quarantining while working on wood and metal. All the time keeping in mind there will be a season eventually. that summer is coming, that we will get past all this and I will be rooting for full fields and competitive racing at my favorite track.
    Hope you are using the time to fine tune that Pro Late Model open entry you and Tom are cooking up.

  7. Sharpie Fan says

    Another event to cross off of my calendar. 😢

    You can always turn it into an end of the season party if you run into too many scheduling conflicts.

    Re Nascar rescheduling — I am reminded of the time that we spent Thanksgiving weekend at Loudon. Praying that doesn’t happen again.

  8. Sharpie Fan,
    It will happen, don’t worry.

  9. Sharpie fan, I was at that Loudon race froze my ass off. 2 words… Never Again.

  10. I might be able to make it now assuming its after April. It would be interesting to put some faces to names on this board. Anyway sucks this pandemic is ruining everything.

  11. Sharpie Fan says

    Rob P., more Carhardt overalls than Turkey Derby! 🥶

  12. cgs. Agree with you, I too am hoping to make this party when it happens so I can put faces with the names, and maybe make some new friends, although I think I might have friend I’ve yet to meet. Shawn did the right thing given the circumstances, looking out for our safety in these trying times.

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