(Press Release from American-Canadian Tour)
Racers and fans awaiting the inaugural Northeast Classic at New Hampshire Motor Speedway (NHMS) will have to wait a few more weeks. American-Canadian Tour (ACT) and Pro All Star Series (PASS) officials announced today the highly-anticipated event has officially been postponed to Friday, May 8 and Saturday, May 9.
The rescheduling comes in the wake of an ongoing stay-at-home order issued by the state of New Hampshire as a response to the worldwide COVID-19 outbreak. The order is in effect until May 4, which spans through the original mid-April Northeast Classic date.
While the potential make-up dates had previously been set, officials elected to wait on an official postponement due to the fluidness of the situation. However, it eventually became clear that holding the event is April as initially planned was no longer a realistic possibility.
Open practice for the Northeast Classic is now is scheduled for Friday, May 8 with qualifying and features on Saturday, May 9. ACT and PASS are working with Star Speedway, White Motorsports Park, Oxford Plains Speedway and other weekly tracks with events scheduled on those dates to leave as few conflicts as possible. More information will be announced regarding the status of the tour-type Modified race, as a Tri-Track Open Modified Series event is also currently scheduled for that weekend.
Each series as well as NHMS will continue to post updates as they are available. Teams can still enter the Northeast Classic by visiting www.acttour.com or www.proallstarseries.com.
“The postponement is unfortunate but also necessary,” ACT managing partner Cris Michaud said. “We remained hopeful about keeping the event on schedule for as long as possible, but as we stated previously, we are committed to doing what’s best for our teams and fans. We’ll continue to put them first throughout this process and ask that everyone take proper precautions in the meantime.”
“These are unprecedented times for everyone involved,” PASS owner Tom Mayberry added. “We’ll continue to abide by all state and federal orders and respond to any changes accordingly. We’re thankful to the folks at NHMS for working with us to find a new date and to local tracks for being willing to accommodate the change.”
For more information, contact the ACT offices at (802) 244-6963, [email protected], or visit www.acttour.com. You can also get updates on Facebook and Twitter at @ACTTour.
For technical information concerning all PASS divisions, and for media or marketing questions, please contact [email protected] or visit www.proallstarsseries.com. Don’t forget to “Like” the Pro All Stars Series on Facebook or follow on Twitter @PASSSLM14 to keep up with breaking news as it happens.
The make up date of May 8+9 is still a month away, but I don’t think it will happen. I’d say we’re going to be in late July or early August before stay at home orders are relaxed, and then I think officials will limit crowd sizes till probably mid September. I hope I’m wrong.
Not happening in May. NH Governor expects peak to hit late April or early May. Expect continuation of lockdown through May in NH. Large gatherings will be extended longer I’m sure.