August NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour Event At Thompson Speedway Cancelled

The hopes for a NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour event in Connecticut in 2020 continue to diminish. 

On Wednesday Econn Motorsports confirmed to RaceDayCT that the newly formed promotional group is cancelling the scheduled Aug. 19 Whelen Modified Tour race at Thompson Speedway.

Former Thompson Speedway general manager announced the formation of Econn Motorsports in late June as an operating company to promote the Aug. 19 Whelen Modified Tour event at Thompson Speedway. The group also announced in June their intentions to promote the Sunoco World Series Oct. 9-11. 

The Thompson Speedway oval has not run any racing events this season.

Econn Motorsports cited mounting concerns over health and economic effects surrounding the COVID-19 global pandemic for the decision to cancel the planned Aug. 19 event at Thompson. 

It was also announced Wednesday that a scheduled Aug. 5 practice at the track has also been cancelled. 

“We had initially thought that the virus would be of minimal concern by now, but the numbers are still very concerning,” Eames said. “We remain committed to keeping oval track racing alive at Thompson and will continue to work with the Hoenig family about the possibility of events later in the year.” 

Eames is still hoping to host the Whelen Modified Tour Oct. 11 at Thompson as part of the Sunoco World Series.

COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns have decimated the original 2020 Whelen Modified Tour schedule. 

The series has run two events thus far this year with Justin Bonsignore winning at Jennerstown (Pa.) Speedway on June 21 and also at White Mountain Motorsports Park in North Woodstock, N.H. on July 4. 

The series is scheduled to run a second event at White Mountain on Saturday. All three events run so far were added to the original schedule following the start of COVID-19 pandemic shutdowns. 

Also added to the schedule was an Aug. 29 event at Monadnock Speedway in Winchester, N.H. 

Thus far, seven of 17 events on the original NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour event have been cancelled. Events have been cancelled at Thompson (April 5, Aug. 19), Stafford Speedway (April 26 and Aug. 7), Martinsville (Va.) Speedway (May 8), New Hampshire Motor Speedway (July 18) and Iowa Speedway (July 31). 

Stafford Speedway is scheduled to host the Whelen Modified Tour on Sept. 27 as part of its NAPA Fall Final weekend though it seems highly unlikely that event will take place with 25 percent capacity restrictions in place for Connecticut tracks. 

The Whelen Modified Tour had added an event to the schedule to be run May 30 at Myrtle Beach (S.C.) Speedway but it was ultimately postponed due to weather. NASCAR has not rescheduled that event.

The Jennerstown event originally scheduled for May 23 was rescheduled to Aug. 22.

The March 21 event at South Boston (Va.) Speedway, June 6 event Seekonk (Mass.) Speedway and July 11 event at Wall (N.J.) Stadium have been postponed indefinitely. 

The event scheduled for June 20 at Riverhead (N.Y.) Raceway has been postponed to Oct. 17, with Riverhead still scheduled to also host the series on Sept. 19. 

The Whelen Modified Tour Musket 200, as part of Full Throttle Weekend at New Hampshire Motor Speedway, remains scheduled for Sept. 12. A Sept. 5 event at Oswego (N.Y.) Speedway also remains scheduled.


  1. getserious says

    Oh boy. NWMT, Thompson, Eames, COVID, all the trigger words. I’m going to get some popcorn and settle-in for this discussion!

  2. Ok, who didn’t see this coming. Econn didn’t even submit a reopening plan with the state. Betting in due time world series gets cancelled too.

  3. Geez… 😒 It was made pretty clear that the 25% capacity limit would be tough to live with to make a NWMT event viable. Until that 25% capacity limit is lifted, don’t expect racing in Connecticut.

    Remember, it is the coronavirus TrumpPandemic that is preventing and limiting racing. Until the TrumpPandemic is remedied, this is the way it will be.

  4. Worst kept secret in modified racing. Just cancel the WS now too. No point in waiting. Nascar might be able to find a new venue for that weekend. If Thompson is done with oval racing let’s get an announcement going for that too. No more dancing around. You’re in or you’re out.

    Now TT. Seekonk’s season is in peril. August is now a wash for them. Does TT move one or both dates to NH or even Stafford? They have no races scheduled for September as it stands. Note to TT, September is the best month for racing. Perfect weather.

    In the it’s 2020 and nothing surprises me anymore dept I think Star Speedway is a player to host another major event. I’m not talking about MRS either. We’ve seen just about everything else thus far so why not.

  5. Folks, pay attention to the news. The news, not Fox. It is being made clear that the TrumpPandemic COVID-19 is going to get much worse.

    Take care of yourself. In doing so, you are taking care of those around you.

    Wear a mask, wash hands often, and stay the hell away from me!!!!

  6. ted Baxter says

    Or dont watch the news and go to the race track. Something dareal doesnt do because hes a fictional character.

  7. Debra Birx said that they expect the virus to swiftly move north in the coming weeks. Massachusetts numbers are on a steady uptick in cases, at around 150-200 per day, deaths average around 12 per day. As long as the numbers keep rising don’t expect any racing with fans at Seekonk.

  8. 🌈🦄2020 says

    The Trump pandemic is going to keep Thompson closed forever. Damn you Trump pandemic. 😷😷🥒🥒🍆🍆

  9. Jussayin says

    Let’s hope the Bowl can Not screw things up! and give us some shows into October. Stafford is on pace to bring a tour mod show soon if we can get to 50 percent capacity. Unlike Thompson who has no $$$$ to back up any regular show never mind a tour race for god sake! Any hear how the Bowls inspection for permit went today?….

  10. Who didnt see this one coming? Apparently the only plan in place at Thompson was to hope and pray the virus goes away. I would be surprised if the World Series goes off. Thats a huge event and it looks like they cant even hold a practice at Thompson because its probably at a loss. I really hope we havent seen the last race at the big T oval.

    Tonight, I watched a Super Dirt Big Block mod race from Bridgeport NJ. It looks like they have a sizable crowd in attendance. So maybe NJ’s Wall Stadium is still in play. A lot of the NY Dirt tracks are not allowed fans so I am not sure if Riverhead or Osweego happens. All the Super Dirt shows in NY have been postponed or cancelled. NY cancelled State fares and attendance at college sporting events in the fall. It doesnt look good for NY. Riverhead is opening up this weekend. I am not sure if it is with fans or not. So we will see how that goes. CT and MA are done with their current crowd restrictions. Seekonk dropped Nascar sanctioning for 2020 and is running shows without fans. Stafford made it clear they arent doing a Whelen event at limited attendance. I am not sure 50 percent would work for them as they lose PPV revenue due to Nascars deal with NBC. Perhaps a second show at Monadnock and maybe a show at claremont. Star would be great but they were going with Nascar sanctioning then had a disagreement on which divisions should run for Nascar points. So I am not sure if Nascar wants to work with them. Hudson I dont think they can handle the haulers and crowd that would come with a Whelen event. Lee would be interesting and they are working with Norm Wrenn so I could see that happening. Lee would be a welcome addition. Honestly, I wouldnt be surprised if NHMS cancels. It is probably a money loser for the track and without a big Cup weekend filling the vault maybe they decide against it. We will probably have a good idea after the Cup race. See if NH starts to clamp down restrictions on race tracks if there are some bad behavior this weekend. PA dirt tracks are still open with large crowds so I think we get that second show at JTown. Myrtle Beach is running and the race did say postponed so perhaps a late in the year show there. Nascar will probably schedule over the Turkey Derby for a purse consisting of peanuts. If the tour gets in more than 7 or 8 races this year I will be surprised. Man that is depressing, Debbie Downer. I applaud them for getting in what they can. I just wish they would be more considerate of already scheduled shows in the area. Be thankful for what we get. 2020 kind of sucks. Stay healthy, mask up, wash up.

  11. If Thompson is operating the road course, holding track days, club meets and driving experience’s, alone, they don’t need the revenues from the oval to turn a profit. Throw in a few amateur races, and they’re most definitely in the black. There is a track about 7 miles from my house, Palmer Motorsports Park, who couldn’t get permits to hold races, but holds track days, club meets and the driving experience along with private rentals, and the owners are turning a profit. It’s a shame Thompson is unwilling to invest in the oval, because of the history that oval has, and it’s a great track. With a little investment, and some good promotion, they could have something really great there. Sadly The writing was on the wall when they brought back the road course.

  12. Stafford is open The bowl may open Thompson could open for there 6 race season paying 450.00 To win for a SK race but nooooo that Trump Pandemic is in upstate CT I guess.

  13. “There is a track about 7 miles from my house, Palmer Motorsports Park, who couldn’t get permits to hold races, but holds track days, club meets and the driving experience along with private rentals, and the owners are turning a profit. ”

    Lime Rock Park has also been doing all those things this year. I can’t comment on profit, but they’ve been relatively busy.

  14. csg wrote, “CT and MA are done with their current crowd restrictions.”

    You sure about that?

    I thought CT still had 25% max. crowd limit. Not sure about MA. If CT was done with crowd restrictions, then Stafford and Thompson would have been promoting NWMT events, not cancelling them.

  15. Fast Eddie says

    YIKES! Hey CSG, cheer us up some more! There is racing to see, but obviously the choices and options are very different from the norm. It sounds like you’re referring to the WMT, but if you’re looking for Modified races, they’re out there. 5 of the 8 races I’ve been to have had some great Modified racing, although only one had the WMT.

  16. Sharpie Fan says

    At the drivers meeting last Friday, Tom Fox said that Stafford may continue racing after the Fall Final. It sounded like the Fall Final in whatever form would still occur on the same weekend as scheduled.

  17. Nancy Pelosi says

    Hey dareal get a life. The Trump pandemic??? Are you serious? This will all go away in November when the Dummycrats win the election.

  18. Myrtle Beach closes forever after Aug 15th. Not an option.

    I keep hearing everyone crying about what won’t happen yet my August Saturday Night schedule is booked solid with races. Open your eyes. There is great tour racing happening all around you. July was pretty awesome too.

  19. 🌈JD🌈, aka: Captain Obvious, that Myrtle Beach is closing down was announced many, many months ago. Maybe longer and I missed the earlier announcements that Myrtle Beach is closing, and that 2020 would be the last season. That is very old news.

  20. I know it’s old but apparently CSG didnt get the news. He was suggesting it as a tour date. Trust me DaReal, I’m on top of this stuff.

    Seekonk has told the Pro Stocks they will try and get a few shows in before the end of October. Fans are a must for that to happen though. My guess is they will scrap all tour shows and anything they run will be for the weekly guys. Which you really can’t blame them. Seekonk ended up being the big loser among New England tracks.

    I suspect a press release or two forthcoming from TT. Either to cancel or move those Seekonk dates. I don’t think TT is going to end the season on Aug 15th.

    How about a “modified” World Series at NHMS. Tell me that wouldn’t be cool. One day show only. Minimal practice. Group qualifying to move things along.

  21. 🌈JD🌈 posted, “Trust me DaReal, I’m on top of this stuff.”



  22. 🌈JD🌈 posted, “I know it’s old but apparently CSG didnt get the news. He was suggesting it as a tour date. Trust me DaReal, I’m on top of this stuff.”

    CSG was talking about a Tour date THIS YEAR. Myrtle Beach is open now, at least that’s what the site says. It’s possible, but highly improbable as a Tour date THIS YEAR. Especially since South Carolina is a dangerous state regarding the Trump Pandemic.

    Your post that MB closes on Aug 15 was meaningless as far as adding to the potential of MB as a Tour stop THIS SEASON. Do you understand that?

    🌈JD🌈, you are still batting 0.000%.

    You have no idea what’s going on.

  23. DaDummy, It has been widely reported that the last race EVER will be run on Saturday Aug 15th 2020. It’s on FB. Several NC news outlets have run the story. I’m sure Doug will post the articles shortly.

    Nice try. What else you got??

  24. Edit: Several SC AND NC news outlets have run the report.

  25. “If it’s on the internet, it must be true”. – Abe Lincoln

    🌈JD🌈, there’s your problem… you believe what’s on FaceBook.

    CSG proffered Myrtle Beach as an option for THIS SEASON, you say MB closes on Aug 15. Today is July 30. Lots can happen between now and then. This season has taken many abrupt turns. But then, South Carolina is a COVID-19 petri dish.

    What ever happened with that Rob Fuller event? Did that ever happen?

  26. Seekonk has been running the Legends, Bando’s and other young pup divisions on Friday for a couple weeks in a limited series without the 700 to 1000 fans they usually can expect. To their credit they will also run no fan races for four Saturdays in August with all but the Pro Stocks. Ownership has stated it’s a purse thing. Pro’s have a rich purse. They don’t want to reduce purses and are not reducing them for the divisions that will run even without fans. The plan is to keep race teams engaged, continue to work with the state and hopefully they will get approval in August for some form a spectator participation.
    Across New England it’s a mixed bag but low density is definitely better when combining racing and pandemics. Vermont and NH with low infection rates haven’t missed a beat with reduced capacity limits. The casual flaunting of safety guidelines so far has not resulting in any unexpected race related outbreaks. Maine is brutal just recently increasing the attendance by fans from 100 to 200 spectators with limited track openings. Connecticuts numbers spiked a few days ago that may have been a blowout testing anomaly but it’s on the radar. Wouldn’t count on the 25% limit being increased this year.
    Seekonk appears to be getting a raw deal. A situation not unlike Stafford and Connecticut with similar numbers but the state has them locked in with the Pat’s and Red Sox and they aren’t budging so far. Like Stafford, Seekonk has a terrific management, they are in constant contact with the state so like everything else now it could turn on a dime.
    No one could have predicted in May Stafford would have their weekly series back let alone PPV TV. Predicting anything with regard to Seekonk, TTOMS or otherwise for October may prove to be just as futile.
    The season is as you perceive it depending on your interests and location. For me it’s been a banner year with the hop scotching of race dates, offerings and surprise venue changes as well as unprecedented access all over via pay per view. That’s not to say a repeat of this would be welcome next year.

  27. ted Baxter says

    Hey Dareal why do you keep posting? You dont actually go to the track or watch racing anyway. As we say in the pits, you are nothing more then a fictional character. Think you used to post in the sun about space aliens back in the day. Many great races coming up, yet half the posters dont even go.

  28. ted Baxter, until this year, I made it to almost every NWMT race over the last couple decades. That’s far more than you. Just because you’re in the pits doesn’t make you special, you’re not. I’m playing it smart, something else you are not.

    Clearly you are unaware of the Trump Pandemic and the consequences it presents.

    Are you really Ted Baxter, or are you using the name of the buffoon TV character?

  29. Yeah not the most optimistic post. I was taking my best guess at what we might get it for tour races rest of the year and outside of NH and Jtown I wasnt coming up with much. It got pretty pessimistic rather quickly. Anybody else think we could get a show at Lee Speedway? When was the last time Whelen tour ran there? I know i havent seen Whelen there.

    I didnt realize Myrtle Beach was closing that early. I knew it was their last year but I thought they were going into late fall. I thought they were planning on a big season ending final event and was hoping maybe Nascar Whelen Mods could be a part of it. So that is out. Its probably for the best anyway, when they announced MB it was long travel for short money and wasn’t well received. Anyone know what’s happening with SOBO. That race has a postponed TBD next to it.

    I dont think CT tracks can successfully hold a Whelen tour race with 25 percent fan capacity restrictions. By successful, I mean I don’t think they can make money on the races. Thompson and Stafford has pretty much indicated that by not rescheduling and cancelling tour races. I believe the Whelen CT Fall races are still on the schedule in hopes the state greatly increases crowd capacities by then. Unfortunately, it seems most states around the country are pausing reopening or rolling back openings and they have been predicting an uptick in the fall.

    MA (Seekonk) is not allowed fans until phase 4 according to state guidelines. Phase 4 is a cure vaccine or treatment. They have been working with the state to open but the best they have gotten is no crowd attendance. They have dropped the Nascar sanction for the year, probably a cost cutting moves. They posted all large events cancelled until fans allowed. It doesn’t look good for Whelen or Tri track shows there. MA really screwed them, Its a shame because Seekonk is the one area track best suited for socially distancing with seating all around the track.
    I dont know about NJ. Seeing a packed bridgeport last night gives me hope that maybe Wall is a possibility. Refresh my memory was Wall sold is this their last season? NY I will be surprised if they get Tour races in with crowds in place. A group of NY dirt tracks have banded together in an attempt to Sue the state so they can open with fans. So not sure if it is certain counties that are allowed fans or not but there are at least 5 NY tracks that arent allowed fan attendance.

    See attached article

  30. I’m quite confident Ted has been to more races. LOL. Might have even helped a few others get there too.

  31. Fast Eddie says

    I think the WMT used to run at Lee years ago. The big problem with running the WMT there now would be tires. The surface eats tires rather quickly. That’s why the MRS 100’s became Twin 50 events, so the first half of the race wouldn’t be half speed pace laps with everyone trying to save tires.
    I don’t see why NHMS couldn’t run a 100 or 125 lap event with maybe PASS and/or ACT with it. I’d bet if they ran all three series they might get a decent crowd. For all three series, 5000 people at $45 per ticket ($15 per feature) is $225K. No problem with social distancing, and I would think there’s some profit in that dollar amount after adding in concession business, VIP parking, and race team entry fees.

  32. WeldingWonders says

    “Well, I hate to say it again, but I WAS RIGHT!!!!! I’M RIGHT AGAIN!!!!!”
    “I can say it again, I AM RIGHT AGAIN !!!!!!!!”



    darealgoodfella says
    February 22, 2019 at 2:07 pm
    This is great news. My schedule will not allow me to attend all races, so now I know I can keep up with when I’ll be traveling.

    😷😷😷 darealgoodfella 😷😷😷 says
    July 30, 2020 at 6:17 pm
    ted Baxter, until this year, I made it to almost every NWMT race over the last couple decades. That’s far more than you.


  33. I’d be in Iowa right now if not for the TrumpPandemic. Had it all planned out with other side trips.

    Doug, Waldo, and his other personalities would be in their basement living the virtual life.

    🌈JD🌈 would still be batting 0.000% while pulling 🌈 out of his ass.

  34. Fast Eddie, NHMS is a huge facility that requires far more staff, security, police support, etc. to open and run than Stafford. Stafford can’t run a NWMT event at 25% capacity, that is not economically feasible. A huge facility like NHMS has far more cost to consider.

    Plus, people are just being smart and careful. I can see it at the grocery stores, etc. Gas stations are open far less hours, people aren’t using and buying much gasoline these days. People aren’t doing that much these days, staying hunkered down. Store hours are reduced, restaurants are closed, even giving up on take-out.

    NHMS needs people to travel in order to get a crowd, and these days, it doesn’t look like they’d be able to get a crowd big enough to get close to covering costs to operate such an event.

  35. 🌈🦄2020 says

    “People aren’t doing much these days, staying hunkered down” 🤣🤣🤣😷😷😷🥒🥒🥒Sure explains why every beach and state park is at capacity every single day of the week.

  36. All the major resorts and hotels in the WMMP area are booked solid tomorrow night. North Conway too. Maybe not everyone is hunkered down. LOL.

    SC was in NH last Saturday. Did you see a tumbleweeds blowing down empty streets?

  37. JD, as I’ve said before, that region is absolutely beautiful to visit.
    I truly hope that all these people travelling there doesn’t lead to an outbreak. If you look at the rest of the country things are getting grim. So far we’ve been lucky, but I fear our luck may soon run out. All it takes is a few people to lead to a large outbreak, so if you attend the race, be cautious, hope you have a great time.

  38. Beaches are severely restricted… some 50% capacity or less. 15 ft spacing required, bring your own water since water fountains are not to be used, rest rooms and amenities are usually not available, family or groups limited to 5 or less, yadayadayada. Fresh water swimming had been totally banned due to the TrumpPandemic until just recently, with some limited inland water bodies just opened for swimming with severely limited capacity.

    Town beaches are limiting access to town residents. RI is telling those from out of state to stay away.

    The beaches were normally crowded before the TrumpPandemic, and now that beaches are closed and imposing severely limited access and capacity limits, it doesn’t take much to reach capacity.

    Sounds like a wonderful day at the beach, eh? {sarcasm font}

    When the capacity is reduced by 50% and more, it’s very easy to reach *capacity* for a resource that was already scarce.


  39. 🌈JD🌈, I just went to book a room through the weekend in the WMMP North Woodstock region, plenty of rooms available. Huge choice.


  40. Fast Eddie says

    Dareal, yes NHMS is huge, but they have the ability to partially open. The turn 3 & 4 grandstands were always blocked off on Saturdays of Cup weekend. They could block off the 1 & 2 stands just as easily. Last year for the “Short Track Showdown” they ran MRS, PASS, street stocks, and the NEMST. The place was not completely opened up, but they had an event with next to no one in the stands. From what I heard, I think from Shawn on this site, it was a track rental by the NEMST. I’m sure that probably wasn’t planned as a NHMS non-profit event. I would think for any racetrack, a small amount of some $$ is better then a big amount of no $$!

  41. Fast, I was at the NHMS NWMT race when they were the top billed race, no Cup, xfinity, trucks. The crowd was kinda slim, and I wondered if that was going to be enough to support the NWMT as the lead race at that facility to allow future races. Not sure if that decision os clear right now.

    Would NEMST do another one of those rentals? Did they make or lose money on that deal?

  42. Fast eddie. Good point on the tire wear issue at Lee. Do you think the tire issue is the reason the local racing divisions havent gained much traction up there? I looked at some of LEE’s results on race monitor most divisions were at or under 10 or 11 cars. Star in the same area seems to be attracting a better field of cars. Monadnock under the same ownership seems to be doing better. Maybe its just the Friday race night? Honestly if they arent turning a profit as currently constructed I would consider covering the track with dirt and go Dirt Sportsman crate racing, maybe 600 mini sprints, and a street stock or mini stock. Dirt racing is far more popular than pavement around the US and there isnt a lot of competition in the area.

  43. 🌈🦄2020 says

    Save it Dafella. Don’t need a lesson on bathrooms and fountains. Point is that not everyone is hunkered down hiding in their basements like you. The parking lots are full every day at the local parks around here. Stafford sold out again tonight. All those people not heeding Dafellas orders. 😠😤😠😤😠🤯

  44. By all means, please provide some hotels near WMMP that are available DaReal. I know several people needing a room for Aug 1st.

  45. Welding, sounds like someone is talking out of two sides of their mouth.

  46. 🌈🦄2020 says

    Is Lee doing any better than that Riverside track up north? I heard they had a feature race with 3 cars.

  47. Fast Eddie says

    Dareal, I’m not sure, but not many peoples even knew about the event, as they seemed to do zero advertising about it. I would bet they could have easily had more fans if they got the word out a little more. The ironic part was the racing was great! three of four features were decided on the last lap, two of them in the last corner!
    CSG, I don’t know, but my experience is Lee has had some slim weekly fields for the last few years now, and it may be due to Fridays, although their timeframe gives teams more time than most to get there. If I remember right most of the racing starts @ 7:00. I know when Star and Lee both ran the 350 supers weekly, whenever I was able to go Lee had 10 or 11, and Star had 15-20. Maybe it’s just a case of only so many teams can run both nights. I definitely like your dirt idea though, it would be pretty cool to have some local dirt racing. I usually get to Lebanon Valley once or twice a year, but they’re not letting fans in yet. Vermont’s a little too tough for me logistically.

  48. 🌈JD🌈, just go to any travel website, enter the travel dates, location, etc. and 🤯.

    It’s like magic. There are plenty of rooms available around WMMP.

    🌈🦄, Stafford sold out, at 25% capacity? 🤣🤣🤣🤣😝😝😝🤣🤣😝🤪 Next you will tell us that ice cubes are cold, water is wet, etc.

    Local parks are seeing more visitation because just about everything else is closed. BTW, social distancing and TrumpPandemic safety measures are still required in the parks.

    Bike stores are booming right now. My neighbor tells me he tried to get his bike in for repairs and he was told there is a months long waiting list for service.

  49. Fast, the lack of promotion for that event was dismal. I do believe we were discussing that on these forums. People definitely missed a great day of racing. When I was driving home I was thinking that events with Mods as top billing could certainly be viable with better promotion. It was great racing.

  50. ted Baxter says

    Hey Dareal I dont know what TV character you are referring to and dont really care. 2 decades of racing? wow you are an expert. Ive been going since the 70s. Average 200 races a year between asphalt and dirt. Just did the whole PA and Ohio Speedweeks with 1000s of others and still feeling good. You can just keep posting your gibberish. Maybe it draws ratings. I doubt you would go across the street nevermind Iowa. If you did go I can guarantee one thing. You go alone and sit by yourself because no one on earth is as smart as you think you are. Thankfully one of the posters keeps track of all your rambling remarks because most of it is just gibberish that makes no sense.

  51. You might want to check with the folks at Unity Raceway in Maine before you start converting Lee USA to dirt. Turns out it more complicated then just plopping some dirt down. Well OK Oswego does it but it’s still hard making it a permanent change. Including building a competitor base from scratch.

  52. wmass01013 says

    LEE had 1 WMT race in 93, 94, 95, 96 and last in 98 won by Ed Flemke Jr

  53. Ted, where’d you get 2 decades? I’ve been going since the 60s. Started at Freeport, Riverhead, Islip, and on and on and on.

    You go to 200 races per year? Really? Is that races or events? Did you mean 20 per year?

    So if there is, and there is, 52 weeks in a year, you are averaging almost 4 events per week per year, I don’t see that to be possible for a fan with a regular job. If you are wealthy such that you don’t have to work and can tour around going to all those events, good for you. Sorry, but not sorry ted, I find that to be not plausible if you are a typical fan. Totally different story if it was your job to go to all those events. 😜 The rest of us here are fans with jobs, careers, etc. that are not running tours with all those 1000s. Do you get the difference?

    So if go to Stafford on a Friday night, and there are SK, SKL, NWMT, and SLM races on the schedule. That makes 4 races, right? Do you include the heat races?


  54. Ken Latham says

    Doug, Oswego is a one off thing. Upkeep on a dirt track is insane for sure. I personally DESPISE dirt racing. I do not see the allure of it. I get it that the car control is amazing, but cars always turning, wheels very seldom straight.. Then there’s the dust….ugh

  55. I think a Southern NH dirt track would do well. There isnt a lot of competition in the area and dirt racing is far more popular in this country. Canann dirt had a pretty good program on Friday nights until they closed. Whip City had solid car counts years ago. There are dirt racers out there they just need a venue. What is great about Dirt is the rules are the same at all the tracks. You can take a crate sportsman or late model and run anywhere unlike a pavement car. So building a competitor base isnt as difficult as asphalt track where people have to build a track specific car and then you are stuck there. There is a reason you dont see a Stafford LM any place but Staffords hallowed grounds. I bet by the end of the first year they would average a higher car count then they do now. Its not like the pavement is going gang busters right now. The bar is set pretty low. Devils Bowl VT converted back over to dirt a couple years ago and have found the change very successful. Same with Albany Saratoga years before. Airborne in NY did well converting back to dirt. It saved those tracks from closing. I am wondering if the pavement is the primary issue at Lee. If the weekly guys are going through tires constantly you are never going to get a good field. Its either pave it, or cover it with dirt. I would think the dirt is the less expensive option. This keyboard jockey would give it a go, I think its worth a shot. I like spending other peoples money.

    As far as Unity goes I thought the primary issue was the owner or lessee came down with a serious health issue which derailed the plan to go to dirt. I dont think its that difficult to convert to dirt. There are a few pavement tracks that have done it for special events. Osweego NY, Rockford IL, Berlin MI and Elko MN come to mind as primary pavement tracks I have seen dirt races on within the past few years. They did it for one off events or a series of events. Now some had serious track issues for the one off events. A couple of Woo LM competitors pulled off after a few laps at Rockford citing the track was unsafe or too damaging to equipment. First or second year of Super Dirt week Osweego was very rough on equipment.

  56. ISMA is at Lee next Friday if you need something to do.

  57. Dareal is having a melt down since being called out by both welding and ted. You gotta love it, BS artist extraordinaire!

  58. 9:52 Friday night, just got a call. A friend of my wife’s died from Covid. Her son had visited her last Saturday on his way thru town, he’s a truck driver. Monday she didn’t feel well and cancelled plans with my wife. Tuesday morning she had a massive heart attack she remained in a coma till this afternoon when her daughter made the tough decision to pull the plug. She had tested positive for Covid, and through contact tracing they learned her son was positive, although asymptomatic. If you think your safe, your not. This woman did everything right, and an hour visit with her son proved fatal. Makes you think
    Hope all of you are safe strong and sane. I’d tell you to do all those things, but this tells me that even if you do everything right, your still never 100% safe.
    RIP Katrina, she was only 54

  59. Rob p., thanks for sharing your experiences. So sorry for you and your wife losing all those friends. If I recall, this makes nine people you and your wife know and lost to COVID-19.

    Maybe, just maybe, folks reading this will get it and realize it can indeed happen to them, and you will have affected saving a life.

    I’m doing just fine hunkered down at home, minimizing my travels to the bare essentials, washing my hands often, wearing a mask, and social distancing.


  60. My God Rob, what a horrible year for you. I am so sorry to hear this and I bet you will be ecstatic when 2020 is over.

  61. Sorry for your loss Rob. Imagine the burden the son will carry with him knowing an innocent visit to his mother lead to her passing. Stay healthy wear a mask and wash up.

  62. Thank you Dareal. Yes it is now 9 friends my wife and I have lost to Covid, and it really hurts. I hope sharing this gives people something to think about. Like I said she was infected during a visit from her son, who didn’t even realize he had the virus. She had been doing all the right things too, that’s what sucks, it makes you think deeply, and ask
    “Am I next?” Thank God she cancelled her plans with my wife, dodged a bullet there. Again thank you Dareal.

  63. Thanks to everyone. I truly hope none of you go thru this. It really hurts, especially when we lose someone who was so diligent, and had been doing everything right. So thanks again to all of you. Stay safe out there.

  64. Rob p., it just goes to show that you can’t be too careful. Keep doing what you are doing, and do it even better.

    You have to ask, “Is that person being as careful as I am? And is it really worth the risk to be near them?” There are many more asymptomatic carriers out there, so just about anybody can be dangerous.

    You and your wife really dodged a dangerous situation.

    Take care.

    Be smart, socially distance, wash hands frequently, and wear a mask. The life you save will be your own, or someone else.

  65. On a positive note, my niece in Florida has recovered, and tested negative. Looks so far as though there will be no adverse after effects.
    Thanks Dareal, I get exactly what your saying. My wife and I are extremely careful in everything we do. We have to be, because of her existing conditions. But Katrina is proof that even as careful as we are, the chance still exists.
    I hope everyone is healthy, and taking steps to stay that way. Hope you all enjoy your weekend, looks like the first part of the week is gonna be a washout

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