Legendary racing broadcaster Ken Squier revealed on Thursday that he has tested positive for COVID-19.
Squier, who was inducted into the NASCAR Hall of Fame in 2018, announced on Thursday that he tested positive. He made the announcement during a broadcast on WDEV, the radio station he owns based in Waterbury, Vt.
According to a story in The Barre-Montpelier (Vt.) Times Argus the 85-year old Squier is resting at his home in Stowe, Vt.
Squier urged listeners on Thursday to take all the proper steps to protect themselves and others from the virus.
Squier’s daughter Ashley Squier told the Times Argus that her father has been following strict guidelines of wearing a mask, washing hands frequently and being socially distant. She confirmed to the paper that her father knows who he contracted the virus from.
“I was very sorry to learn that our good friend and very own NASCAR Hall of Famer contracted COVID-19,” Vermont governor and former racer Phil Scott told the Times Argus. “When I spoke to him on Wednesday he was in good spirits and I know we all wish him well in his recovery.
“I appreciate Ken’s courage in sharing his experience and helping Vermonters understand that this virus knows no boundaries and doesn’t discriminate.”
In addition to his exploits as a National motorsports broadcaster, Squier also built Thunder Road International Speedbowl in 1960 and owned the facility until 2017.
Terrible news. Wish him well.
In related news, Sweden is acknowledging their gambit with herd immunity is a total failure and are trying to recover.
praying for you Ken
The Early Voice of NASCAR , Prayers are being sent, Get Well Ken…!!!! I can still hear your voice calling the Many Daytona 500’s… Way ahead of your time bringing to light what was happening on PIT ROAD all the strategy and speed of the WOOD Brothers … Your interviews are second to none… God Blessed you with Fantastic Pipes , You used those pipes to become the most recognized voice in all of Motorsports , You used those pipes to deliver a mostly southern sport to the rest of the USA. … Ken you are the Top of the ladder of all broadcasters of Motorsports… You set the Standard for the rest that would follow!!! God Bless you Ken, Get Well, See you this Summer at Thunder Road !!!!!!
I Agree With Suitcase Jake. Word For Word
I don’t really care. I did care starting with Tom Hanks early on and his wife. Since then it’s be an endless stream of announcements about what celebrity go it with the over whelming majority surviving. Squier is really old, beat the odds in life span, he should qualify based on his celebrity for the best care and the hardest to get treatments so his odds are better then most in his age group.
What I do care about is how we blew it as a country regarding the virus that if we had not this guy might not be making this announcement. And it ain’t Trumps fault at all. It’s all of ours. We failed and guys like Squier are paying the price. More will follow.
Sure advise us all to do what we should have been doing all along but even now far to many won’t and openly mock safety protocols. It’s too late.
Sure pray for Squier that should help. It’s what people do when they fail and all hope is lost to show as a society you can work together to address a threat. It’s every person for themselves now.
Get well soon Ken.
Doug, to say ” I don’t care” is cold. Ken Super is the voice of the sport we love. To put him in the same category as Tom Hanks, saying his celebrity status should afford him the best medical care, all out. wrong. When your brought into a medical facility, they don’t decide your care based on your income. He may be able to afford better care, question is, will he get it?
As far as saying this isn’t Trump’s fault. What planet have you been living on? If Trump had been honest about the virus, people would have reacted different. If Trump had given the states the help they needed, without political bias this thing would have been fought more aggressivley. It is state government that has been fighting this virus. From day 1 Donald Trump lied, he continues to lie. The Republican led senate fails to act, rather saying ” let them go bankrupt”. They failed to listen to the scientists, instead listening to Trump Red state government failed to act, denied the virus, saying ” we aren’t NYC. Look at them now. As a whole, this country, our country, is screwed and there is only 1 person to blame, Donald J. Trump.
Used to love at the old ACT pro stock races at Thunder Road , during driver intros he used to say to drivers looks like you got this cheated up real good today!
Oh good, a critique. Cold you say…..and more. That can only mean one thing…..my turn.
Not a Rob p fan. Don’t like the continuing soap opera of As Rob p’s World Turns. The two vehicles totaled, permanent injuries, hospitals stays, operations and more friends and family sick and dead from Covid19 then the rest of the forum combined. And this just in, yet another one. You should be sharing your personal challenges regarding finances, physical issues and all the rest with family and friends and not with complete strangers in an anonymous racing forum in my view.
Don’t like the endless yammering on about Trump. Not a political person you say and yet you’re still bringing up the same crap after the election. On and on and on like you can change someone’s mind by boring them to death. On a racing site.
Really how many times can you remind people about safety protocols. Everyone that gets it acts accordingly and those that don’t won’t change and if they do it won’t be because of you.
Regarding our sacrifice I have to say you have no clue on sacrifice as much as you insist we are all making one adhering to safety protocols. The medical professionals are making sacrifices. Guys 18 years old that fought in WWII for four years or more were making sacrifices. Poll workers…..sacrifice. Staying home and watching cable TV and commenting on RaceDayCt isn’t making a sacrifice.
Don’t like you never have any insights about actually races. Didn’t know what the price of a ticket at Stafford was and the money issues were the reason. Near as I can tell you don’t stream races either. You glean things from the articles and comments then make some kind of generalized observation depending on your extensive experience but don’t have any actual knowledge of the specific event.
Don’t like that you talk out of your ass without a clue regarding what you’re talking about. Trashing Dowling and Ryan Fearn comes to mind using assumptions that were bogus or that you could never know. The vaccine as well. Right out of your ass and it stunk.
If you don’t think money and celebrity buy an extra level of access to anything let alone health care it can only mean one thing. You’re probably a “have not” hoping to get equality of consideration with people of means that in the history of civilization has rarely proven to be the case.
Regarding blaming Trump for the mess we are in now is to say we as a society are incapable of individual decision making and that’s ridiculous. Trump may be responsible for influencing a segment of the population that support him but that’s not the entirety of the problem. All you need to do is look at the reckless celebrations after he lost by mostly young people that clearly don’t support him and that pretty much sums up the rest of the reason we are where we are.
You may notice I don’t respond to any of your posts. That’s because of all the people I love reading here you are not one. You’re a speed bump to navigate to get to the good ones.
My I feel better now. Glad we had a chance to clear the air
Mr. Squier, I hope you are one of the people fortunate enough to get through this!
WOW, really Wow, because someone called me out, for not being at a race and I explained the reason being is I totalled my truck, you’ve got the balls to call me out in that. Low.
I know more people who have either died from, or survived Covid simply because I know allot of people. The friend I wrote of the other day I’ve known for about 20 years and only shared that so maybe those who are skeptical might learn something. Finance, haven’t got a clue what your talking about there, I’m not rich by any means, but I get by.
I’m just so glad I’m not perfect like you Doug. Holding yourself to such a high degree of perfection has to be a bitch.
And you can stop your long winded race breakdowns, nobody really cares what Doug thinks if certain drivers, or races. People tend to form their own opinions of races and drivers, and don’t need your Mike Joy wannabe outlook.
Last but not least, I’m better than you, I always was better than you, always will be better than you. It enrages you, but it’s true. So go ahead, keep going back throughout the years taking what I’ve posted and reposting it, trying your best to hit that nerve, you and your 14 personalities just make me laugh
Let me guess; IM RIGHT, IM RIGHT AGAIN. bring your best.MF. I could use a good laugh.
No, I’m good. But I have a Ken Squier story Jackie Arute mentioned in the latest episode of Bottom Shot.
The year is not precisely clear. Somewhere around 1970. Squier had just made a mistake on air that gave another track credit that Stafford deserved. Jackie called him up to correct it and ended up being invited to Squier’s home for a chat. Interestingly he described the home as a converted “silo”. Anyway Jackie came in loaded for bear, a young guy looking to set things straight. Long story short Squier suggested they light up some weed, they get stoned and all was well.
Jackie is a pistol. It’s hard to believe he’s 70ish he looks fantastic. A force of nature so check it out RaceDayCt nation on the Stafford web site if you have 2 hours to kill.. You won’t be disappointed.