RaceDayCT Daily Poll: Your Favorite Fearn?

Today’s RaceDayCT poll is simple. Tell us your favorite Fearn. Vote below. Happy Thanksgiving to all. Have a safe and wonderful holiday in whatever way you choose to celebrate.


  1. Best X-mas movie would be a better poll

  2. Christmas vacation best christmas vacation if you dont count die hard.

  3. 2nd vacation should be movie. I am not working on full battery today.

  4. The one that races an ACT style Late Model!

  5. Must be a slow news day

  6. 🌈🦄2020 says

    Keeping up with tradition, here’s a political post. The lame stream media is fawning over Biden’s choice of socks. I’m looking forward to find out, boxers or briefs next.

  7. I’m kinda with CSG. Planes,Trains and Automobiles is up there too.

    Not a movie but the WKRP Turkey drop episode is classic too. You can Youtube it.

  8. Between Two Fearns.

  9. The Atomic Punk says

    I am afraid for the safety of America under Biden. Brace yourself.

  10. At least America won’t self implode

  11. Sorry Fearn’s they know not for whom they vote.
    No Fearn can compare in importance to a fern so that fern is in a class by itself.
    Of the Fearn’s the order should be Stuart (and mother) first. The endless stream of multi car success made possible by Stuart and Safeco Foam. Second up Tom. Working toward a half century of success. Never takes any of it for granted and wrote the book on what makes Stafford’s brand of Late Models go fast. Ryan and Alexandra a dead heat for third. Alexandra a bit of an enigma. . As calculating and smart off the track as on. A pure driver and extraordinary for being successful as a woman in the sport. Equally successful Ryan the fence climber the complete opposite with regard to racing persona.. An open book, unpredictable, visceral, exciting to watch and those interviews. In all of sports with predictable and tedious interviews what can come out of Ryan’s head in the span of a couple minutes is such a pleasant change.
    Scott Fearn. A winner with baggage. Go to Search in the upper right hand corner, type in Scott Fearn and read the articles.

  12. My favorite Fearn is Diane. My friend from skating. Happy holidays.

  13. 🌈🦄2020 says

    Poor Fearn family. A lame plant is more popular than most of them.

  14. The Atomic Punk says

    Self implode? China says Thank You Elect

  15. 🌈🦄2020,
    You’re on a roll today with the pleasantries. It was a fun little thing for the Holiday week, but you do you.

  16. The Fearn’s must have been in on that deal and have a good spirit if that’s the case.
    Why not do us. The forum regulars. Daily poll. Anything goes. We do the criticizing. How about let’s see how well we take it when the tables are reversed.

  17. 🌈🦄2020 says

    Good idea Doug. I vote for Dafella.

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