RaceDayCT Daily Poll: How Many Tri-Track Open Mod Series Events Do You Plan On Attending In 2021?

The Tri-Track Open Modified Series will run six events in 2021. Today’s Daily Poll question asks, how many events of those six events do you expect to attend in 2021? Vote below.


  1. Went to all of them last year but really only plan on going to the Monadnock races this year.

  2. Doug? How many are you going to?

  3. Haunted Hundred at the cement palace, but who knows might go to Monadnock for one race. Allots going to depend on who ends up racing

  4. Fast Eddie says

    I always plan to go to all or most of the TriTrack events every year, but usually “life happens” to at least one. if COVID and Mother Nature cooperate, I should get to all of them. For me Seekonk is like a home game and Star isn’t much farther. Monadnock is not that far to go either. Is it time yet?!? Can I go NOW?!? 🙂 Eleven weeks to go ’till Thompson!

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