RaceDayCT Poll: Has The Availability Of Streaming Ever Changed Your Decision To Attend A Race

In a relatively short span of time, the availability of short track racing events through various streaming services has exploded. Today’s poll question asks, have you ever decided not to attend a short track racing event in person that you intended to attend specifically because you could watch it on a streaming service instead? Vote below.


  1. Marshall says

    When they bumped up the start of the Spring Sizzler make-up I only found out because I stopped to grab a soda and turned on Flo. I realized I couldn’t get to the speedway in time to see even half the race so I plugged my phone into my radio and let the steam run as I drove home. Streaming is convenient for when I can’t make it, but I’ll always try to give a way to make it.

  2. Rafter fan says

    I don’t attend races at Stafford nearly as often as I once did. I now attend 2 or 3 events per year vs. 10 – 12 pre-Flo. Although watching a stream is inferior to experiencing events “live”, I’m not crazy about paying twice (Stafford tickets + Flo subscription) on a regular basis. And, watching on Flo eliminates dealing with potential weather issues at the track.

  3. I mostly watch on streaming services these days. The prices are certainly more reasonable at the refrigerator as opposed to the concession stand. The main reason is because the track often schedules the main event last and have no sense of urgency to get the show in a reasonable amount of time. I try to go to a few races when I am aware of the schedule has the main event somewhere earlier than last in the order, but it seldom happens. I will also attend if someone who normally won’t go is interested in attending. On average, the last few years, I probably make one race a month and its mostly to catch up with friends at the track. I used to be a season ticket holder and rarely missed a race. Honestly when I do attend, I am bored part of the time when at home I could switch to another race. I also start doing math, let’s see we still have two features before the feature I want to watch hits the track and I have a 50-minute drive home and the track is calling back restarts because it wasn’t perfect. If it all goes well, I get home at……..Why did I come, oh yeah, I got to see some old friends. It wasn’t all bad. I guess.

    I will say without streaming I probably would attend even less. I would probably lose interest completely in the sport. I probably wouldn’t know what is going on in dust ups between competitors or a close point race or the fact the shows are getting over in a timely manner which might make me more inclined to go. I know I have watched streamed races from racetracks and made plans to attend that race track. Personally, I think the streaming keeps me more engaged in the sport than if it wasn’t available, but I have been slowly losing interest in racing over the years. Streaming is keeping me interested in the sport.

    I haven’t been to a race yet this season. I might try for something this weekend.

  4. Flo has actually enabled me to view and support more races. I would attend nearly weekly in my younger years but circumstances have changed and I can’t get to the track nearly as often as I would like. Having Flo Racing as an option allows me to watch from home and support the event when I would have otherwise missed it all together.

  5. Fast Eddie says

    For me there is nothing TV can do to make a race better than being there, and there is plenty of racing on regular TV to watch. The $150 sign-up will buy me 3-5 more race tickets. However, my body is becoming less and less co-operative over time and I’m certain at some point I’ll signing up for it.

  6. Camerissa says

    It was said after the original sizzler date that you can’t move up the start time of a race because people are counting on it starting at its appointed time. Like a Red Sox game. A week later and Stafford does just that. Marshall what did you think when you discovered you were going to miss it? Did you understand the track had to do whatever necessary to get the race in or were you real upset you missed it?

  7. Bob Banning says

    As someone who grew up going to the Speedbowl, Thompson, and Stafford I truly appreciate Flo Racing due to the fact I no longer live in the northeast. At least I can still watch Stafford weekly. I wish that the Speedbowl would stream. Flo has expanded my interest and I get to watch tracks from all over. Bowman Gray rocks! I would say streaming has helped with consumer interest. Remember, Blockbuster was suppose to kill movie theaters.

  8. Camerissa,
    I simply disagree with changing the starting time of any event without it being done a significant amount of time before the scheduled start time of the event. I just believe if you publish a schedule and sell tickets to an event ahead of time you should respect that you sold someone a ticket based on an implied starting time for the event they purchased the ticket for. I get why Stafford did what they did on May 10, but I also know quite a few people missed some or all of the event because the start time was moved up and they were not aware of that.

  9. Fast Eddie says

    I’m at a loss to understand the start time comments for the Sizzler on Friday. It was in the race schedule posted on their site to be the first feature of the night. I’m guessing they wanted to make sure it was done in case the weather was iffy on Friday, but that is the way the night’s schedule was posted.

  10. Rafter fan says

    I believe the Sizzler was scheduled as the second race on 5/10 (after the SKL event), but was moved up to be the first race that night.

  11. Crazy in NY says

    I believe the Sizzler was scheduled as the second race on 5/10 (after the SKL event), but was moved up to be the first race that night.

    It was but they moved the Sizzler to first up in part I have to think because of some of the heat they took on the original day. There is nothing wrong with posting this > Schedule subject to change< while you post the running order of events at your event. I've seen it done many times. Happens in the transportation sector as well. Trains and planes have weather and other assorted issues that alter printed and posted schedules. Race fans understand well that weather can alter the scheme and you make adjustments accordingly.

  12. When I regularly went to the races more frequently, they had a service called rained out for a bunch of tracks. The track would actually text you notifications for rain outs or schedule changes. I don’t know if it still exists but it was pretty handy. I have been on my way to a track, maybe halfway, received a text message and turned around. Saved some time and aggravation. That was on a phone or two ago so not sure if it still exists. I know I don’t get the messages anymore. It was free to sign up. I did see either a Facebook or twitter message from Stafford indicating the tour types were running first. The tour types were probably the worst feature of the night. So those who missed part of it didn’t miss much. The 16 was in a class by himself.

    Anyone know if Stafford has wifi for fans. I know i have been to a few tracks that have it. I was planning on going Friday but the Bruins managed to stave off elimination and play Friday night. Unfortunately, I only have around 3 gigs of data left on my plan and I don’t think that will get the job done. Any chance Stafford can put the Bruins game on that fancy jumbo tron they got. I am not picky I don’t need the sound. I know I have streamed the races from there on my phone but I think it kept freezing. FYI about a half lap behind on the stream v live. Not sure if Tmobile is the hot set up for Stafford. Probably just try Seekonk Saturday. There is also a 30k to win pro stock race at Lee Saturday if I feel adventurous. Weather doesn’t look bad both nights. Enjoy the races and Lets go Bruins.

  13. Fast Eddie says

    CSG, there is also a PASS race at White Mountain on Sunday with PASS Mods and NESS Supers.

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