RaceDayCT Poll: Your Thoughts On The Ricky Stenhouse Jr. Penalty In The NASCAR Cup Series

If you’re a racing fan you’d have to be living in a cave off the grid at this point to have not heard about the Ricky Stenhouse Jr./Kyle Busch brawl Sunday at North Wilkesboro Speedway. 

On Wednesday NASCAR announced a $75,000 fine for Stenhouse, which represented the largest fine the sanctioning body has ever levied against a driver for a fighting incident. Kyle Busch was no penalized. 

Today’s poll question asks, what you thought about the Ricky Stenhouse penalty. Vote below. 


  1. Fast Eddie says

    Kyle Busch should have recieved the bigger of any penalties to both.

  2. So to me, the general Nascar rule has always been, you blatantly wreck somebody, you, at the very least, are starting at the back of the pack penalty.
    Deserved or not, and that will be argued till the cows come home depending on who you like, Kyle blatantly took out Ricky.
    Now I’m not really a fan of either, but every time Ricky is around your driver coming through the field, you gotta hold your breath. Uber aggressive or just plain reckless, is in the eye of the beholder. That being said, Kyle is never wrong in his mind.
    I can’t tell you what Nascar’s reasoning was for the way this went.
    I can only speculate. And my speculation is that someone on Ricky’s team had 2 hours to talk to Ricky, to make sure he understood the big picture. I also think Nascar may have thought that this was a semi-publicized premeditated threat, (hold my watch) and maybe that made a difference in their reasoning, I’m not sure.
    Does Ricky have the right to confront Kyle?
    Absolutely. Be as verbal as you want. But remember, Ricky had 2 hours to think. Kyle, just got out of the car, heading to his trailer after another frustrating run. No time yet to look at any replay or debrief. Ricky had 2 hours. What does anyone think may happen under those circumstances?
    The boys in the booth after the replays of the incident on track, collectively agreed that, they did not think Ricky did anything wrong with the on track incident. So maybe the whole thing goes different if Ricky was able to leave the track after the lap 2 incident, and leaving the 47 in the 8’s pit stall to send the message, may have been enough?
    Heck, If I’m Ricky I’m blaming Nascar for not requiring N. Wilksboro to have installed a tunnel before the big event, and this whole thing may never have happened!!
    I got half my buddies siding with Ricky saying “way to go, just like the old days”
    I got the other half saying WTF? Kyle gets to blatantly wreck somebody, and no penalty?
    And, as alluded to, looks like Nascar may have played this (and us ) scenario to their advantage.
    So, imo, if there were going to be fines, yeah, Ricky waited, stayed hot and sucker punched Kyle. Probably the most egregious of the two imo. At the least, if you are going to fine, fine them both. I don’t agree with Kyle getting off scott free for wrecking the 47. It wasn’t a gray area, it was a no doubter. Thats almost always a Nascar line in the sand.
    But gotta say this. The whole event may have given us the best quote of the year.
    When Ricky said to the effect of, you better watch your back at Charlotte to Kyle, I damn near fell off the couch with Kyle’s reply of “bring it on! I suck too”!
    While not meant to be funny, and while it clearly showed frustration, it was extremely telling from a driver who is used to being on the top of the heap. Jmo.

  3. Well, I missed the reporting on the penalty that Kryle Busch received. KB did intentionally dump Stenhouse. Where’s the penalty for that nonsense?

  4. They should have given 75 thousand to Stenhouse for punching him

  5. Just Saying says

    Penalize both or don’t penalize them at all Kyle was frustrated that he was on the ground so fast, and when he got up, he was just trying to hit whatever was next to him, these guys have no repercussions for blatantly taking a guy out

  6. And the Tour goes on and on;

    Maybe you missed jmo.
    Tell ya what.
    Don’t like the comment?
    Easy. Just don’t read it.
    And btw, some of the stuff that you post at times that I think is rude? I ignore, cause its your right to post what you think. I have no right to criticize your comments. Its up to the moderator whether it gets published or not. Thats what its about.
    And I respect that. On both sides.
    So dont read it tour, just pass right by, and im ok with that.
    And here, i’ll put it in caps….JMO

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