Official: Todd Szegedy To Pilot Mystic Missile On Whelen Modified Tour In 2015

Todd Szegedy (Photo: Getty Images for NASCAR)

Todd Szegedy (Photo: Getty Images for NASCAR)

NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour team owner Bob Garbarino made official Tuesday the news that was reported exclusively by RaceDayCT on Saturday.

Todd Szegedy of Ridgefield will drive his No. 4 Mystic Missile on the Whelen Modified Tour in 2015.

“I think he’s hungry and ready to get back at it,” Garbarino said. “I think in general his fans like him and I don’t think I’ve got any worries putting him in the car. He’s qualified. He doesn’t tear cars up very often at least what I see. I think he’s just a good fit for us so that’s what we’re doing.”

Szegedy replaces Donny Lia in the Garbarino owned ride.

Szegedy ran part-time on the Whelen Modified Tour in 2014 after parting ways with the Mike Smeriglio III owned team after the 2013 season. Szegedy had been driving for Smeriglio from the start of the 2006 season and had 10 of his 18 career series victories with the team.

Garbarino, who has run the Whelen Modified Tour since the division’s inception, has won three championships, with Lia (2007 and 2009) and Bobby Santos III (2010).

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  1. Justafella says

    That’s funny with all cars Lia tore up in the last 2 seasons ( v4’s , msr and 7ny ) now Bob wants to conserve iron . Looks like the V4 is just looking to field a car and complete 30 years on the Tour , Todd will get the car around and bring it home with 4 wheels but he will not get it to Victory Lane . Good Luck !

  2. Not a good move. Leave one of the best rides on the tour to run full time in a sub par car? Donnie left for a reason and Todd is fix in to find out why.

  3. Youhavenoidea says

    First off he didn’t leave a ride just wasn’t asked to return and second off the hauler may not be the fanciest or the car might not be the prettiest and owner the youngest but I put money on it that Garbarino is by far one of if not the best car in the field hands down he uses his money (which he has tons of) on the race car to win on the racetrack. Remember no one wins the race in the pits or getting to the track in a shinny truck u win it on the track and as much as TC would have been nice Todd is a great person and guy and will do great in this car.

  4. Seriously,I love that hauler!

  5. 1. Wasn’t asked to return? It was Todds ride. They are on track in 2 weeks! Do you need to ask a driver to return every year?
    2. The 4 car is a old Troyer car that is in need of a update. Anyone on the tour knows that. To say it’s a nice car is a stretch.
    3. Didn’t Todds car get towed to the track by a black pick up truck last year.
    4. Todd is a great guy but we are not talking about personalities.
    5. We have all seen races lost in the pits.
    6. I don’t get to all the races anymore but I do have a idea and use my name on posts because these are all just facts. Not really a big deal.
    7. Todd will do fine and so will the driver of the 15 I’m sure. I’m betting on Silk in that ride.

  6. Look for the next big announcement that goes with this. Garbarino with a new LFR chassis, and Ron Silk to the 15 of Fuller Motorsports

  7. darealgoodfella says

    Hey, that hauler hauled three championships. How many other haulers have done that? That hauler is awesome, iconic.

    Szegedy in the Mystic Missile is perfect. Just perfect.

    We’ll soon see how Sypher does with his new personnel.

  8. Mark,

    With a season like the v4 had on track, at the hands of the driver, would you put that talent back in your car?

    It’s not the chassis. There is way too much emphasis put on the chassis. Chassis don’t work miracles. Look at Ol’ Blue… when that chassis has a good motor and driver, it is a contender, and that chassis must be about 15 years young about now.

    I’ve always admired the v4. It appears to be put together with all the right parts. Don’t blame the car. Cars do what they are told to do.

    Szegedy in the v4 is perfect, just perfect. I can’t wait for the Icebreaker.

  9. Youhavenoidea says

    Yea well the mystic missle isn’t old it’s 3 years old if that is old o man watch out lol it’s a great car and team owner and races are won on pit road not the garage area of you are there you have problems.

  10. Youhavenoidea says

    And yes you do ask a driver to return every year it’s not like big teams that have contracts maybe one race your car will show up with someone else in less then likely but it could happen.

  11. Reading these threads about Szegedy getting the ride in the v4 is interesting. Seems some are pissed a driver was ousted from the v4.

    Clearly, some are not pleased that Lia “left” the v4. The quotes are used to indicate that Lia’s leaving wasn’t his idea, he wasn’t going to be coming back, and not of his choosing. Why else would Mark continue to grind the axe? Why disrespect the v4? Why disrespect Szegedy?

    Mark says: “Not a good move. Leave one of the best rides on the tour to run full time in a sub par car? Donnie left for a reason and Todd is fix in to find out why.”

    So you say the v4 is one of the best rides, and call the Sypher ride a sub par car. Then say that Donnie left for a reason and Todd is fixing’ to find out why.

    Then you said, “2. The 4 car is a old Troyer car that is in need of a update. Anyone on the tour knows that. To say it’s a nice car is a stretch.”

    First you call the v4 “one of the best rides” and then said “To say it’s a nice car is a stretch.”

    Contradict yourself much? Geez…

    Mark, you are seething, you can’t keep your story straight. You are directing hate at the v4 and TS any way you can come up with. You are pissed that your boy was ousted. We get it. Let’s see how your boy does with that sub par car as you call it. If your boy really did walk away, you wouldn’t have anything to say, you should be laughing at leaving that deal behind. Let’s see how the Sypher car performs this season with the new talent. Good luck.

    But don’t disrespect TS.

    As a modified fan, I think Szegedy in the v4 is perfect, just perfect.

  12. Oh, and by the way – The 3 championships that Garborino were in 2007,2009, and 2010. How’s that a sub-par car again?

  13. Sorry for the type – Should read :

    Oh, and by the way – The 3 championships that Garborino won were in 2007,2009, and 2010. How’s that a sub-par car again?

  14. Rich,

    Mark says: “Not a good move. Leave one of the best rides on the tour to run full time in a sub par car? Donnie left for a reason and Todd is fix in to find out why.”

    I read what Mark said as Lia leaving one of the best rides, the v4, and going to run full time in a sub par car meaning the Sypher car.

    The v4 has always been a superior car.

    That 3 YO Troyer v4 will beat the crap out of whatever Sypher puts under Lia.

  15. And the rest of the Tour just said: “uh-oh”

  16. JustaFella says

    The v4 has only won 3 championships in there 54 years in business !

  17. Youhavenoidea says

    The v4 is a amazing ride, Garbarino always brings superior equipment to the track!!

  18. Chip Pennoyer says

    Talk, talk, talk……HARK! all of the keyboard warriors are out. Simply put, Todd Szegedy can drive anything. Anything! Hey… things didn’t work out with the 2 car, no heart feelings…none at all… they’re still all friends. My prediction is that the mystic missle WILL be a force to be dealt with. All of this chirping about how old the car is….or may be…or whatever…. is hilarious! Every REAL racer knows that the checkered flag makes no distinction about the age or condition of the racing machine….because it takes so much more. Chrome, glitz, and glamour, do not a solid racing team make. Remember when a young upstart named Richie Evans hit the scene in the mid sixties? were his cars a civic’s class museum display? Some folks here are forgetting history. As darealgoodfella said: ‘and the rest of the tour just said “Uh oh”. Fasten your seatbelts folks….things have just gotten fun and interesting again….Szegedy is back!

  19. Chip Pennoyer says

    Oh by the way….Leonardo da Vinci didn’t paint 12 Mona Lisa’s…he painted one…the V4 is the Mona Lisa…now, go be you’re best self and seize the day! I’m Chip Pennoyer and I’ve approved this message.

  20. Youhavenoidea says

    I agree with chip well said!!!!

  21. Great to see Todd back full time, bonus that he’s joined the V4 team. Should be pretty stout for sure. Every year that car is always one to beat which goes to show how much Mr. Garbarino puts into his program. This is shaping up to be one heck of a season on the WMT. Hammer down, let the ground pounding begin.

  22. Chip well said, the v4 is a well prepared car no matter how old it is. My question is what is Todd Szegedy do for work at is full time job ?

  23. Yeah, the v4 Mystic Missile of Garbarino has won 3 championships, along with the 3 Ol’ Blue, of the other legendary owner, Len Boehler. No other owner has won more.

    I’d say Garbarino and Boehler are two of the most important people to ever participate in modified racing, and clearly have brought the best that the class has ever seen. Their persistence and innovation are what has made the mighty modifieds what you love. The 3 and v4 are icons of modified racing. Their numbers should be retired out of reverence and respect for all they’ve done for modified racing.

    Szegedy is back.

    This is great!

    What other good news is there?

  24. justafella says

    Boehler has won many more track championships as well as the Whelen Modified Tour Championships .I don’t believe the mystic missile has ever won any other Championships beside The WMT

  25. justafella said, “Chip well said, the v4 is a well prepared car no matter how old it is. My question is what is Todd Szegedy do for work at is full time job ?”

    justafella, why do you ask that question? What is your point? Most importantly, please tell us what industry, field, etc. are you involved in, and what is your full time time job?

  26. justafella,

    You are very upset that your boy was booted from the v4. Get over it. Just hope that he learned something from this experience and doesn’t get booted again. How would you feel if you were the owner and put out a first place car that ended up 11th in points, no wins, and with numerous wrecks? It was embarrassing to watch, I can’t imagine how it felt to be the owner. That wasn’t the fault of the car, and Sypher is fixing to find out why. But then, the Sypher car is a ~25th place car, looks like a good fit. Do really think anyone will believe that Donny walked away from the v4 so he could go to the Sypher car instead? Why would a driver would walk away from the v4 to drive a perennial back marker?

    Time will tell.

  27. Chip Pennoyer says

    I almost forgot…to mention Ralph Solhem. For this… I apologize. On the subject or definition of “how old a car is” or whatever [some] of the above egg suckers are crying about? Ralph’s storied ZERO machine isn’t exactly all new either, but I have personally seen that car strike fear into the hearts of many people…I know.. I was part of his crew at one time. That car has a reputation for showing up and being a fire breather. Ralph Solhem is sort of like “Gandolf” the wizard from the Lord of the Rings movies (that’s a huge compliment by the way). Ralph can fabricate anything…be anything…accomplish anything as though he possess magical powers. I would like to see that ZERO machine back out there…however the deal and opportunity has to be correct for the stars to properly align.

  28. Chip Pennoyer says

    Todd Szegedy has held a full array of different jobs that any of us could ever hope for. At one point,Todd played the Bass guitar in a Foghat tribute band, but left when the band leader insisted that everyone wear assless chaps on stage. Next, He was drafted into the Salvation Army where he, at one point, was awarded the prestigious piano wire ring for creating a tasty chili at a soup kitchen (he still has the ring), lastly, Todd, most recently worked in a panty hose factory as a “Diesel Fitter” what does that position entail you ask? Todd would sit on the assembly line watching panty hose go by, and when it passed him, he would scream out: “Diesel Fitter! Get it? I crack myself up. All that anyone needs to know is that he’s back. I’m Chip Pennoyer and I’ve approved this message.

  29. Ahhhhhh yes, the black & gold ZERO machine… one of my favorites. Would be nice to see that car again and more often. There were interesting things on that car, very unique. Although I didn’t know Solhem or Boehler, these two guys liked to tinker and were really good at it.

    So justafan, you brought it up… what do you do for a living?

  30. old observer says

    I know this was an earlier post but I think the 4 won the Martinsville track championship around 78 with Brian Ross(Phil Smith would know for sure). BRE won 6 Nascar Modified Titles(National & Whelan) & multiple track titles at Thompson, Stafford, NHIS, & Seekonk & maybe more that I’m not aware of or can’t remember. Just providing info.

  31. Chip Pennoyer says

    The black and gold ZERO Machine has carried many a driver to victory lane over its storied history at many, many tracks. Have you ever seen the front clip on that thing when walking through the pits? Its like nothing else out there. The best way I can describe that car is making the comparison to the WW2 era fighter, the “P-47 Thunderbolt by Republic aircraft”. The P-47 had a reputation for dependability and hardiness…there are several documented occasions where the Thunderbolt would sustain several hundred shots through its wing structure and fuselage…and still compete well in dog fights and then bring the pilot home safely. The Zero does not have a steering rack in it. I’ve observed the car take hits that would have crushed other modified’s front ends as though they were constructed from balsa wood. To say that the Zero had been well engineered would be an understatement. We’ve all seen top running cars fall victim to the last 5 lap skirmish…and then its clear…when the fog lifts after the wreck…there are the tell tale signs of the separated front-end… the dreaded 2 foot “tow out”. Any how, what I think some fans appreciate about the ZERO is that its a no fuss, no muss, approach. I would be awesome to see that machine out there again! Its just cool.

  32. dave main says

    The missile will be just fine, wait and see. Good luck Bob and Todd
    Dave Main

  33. Ric Brittain says

    Chip Pennoyer once upon a time in New Canaan? Best man for Jeremy Brittain?

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