WATERFORD – Saturday morning began at the Waterford Speedbowl with plenty of somber faces at the track, with many wondering if the 64-year old racing facility was about to be lost.
Minutes after noon the celebration was on at the facility for many track supporters after it was made clear by Bruce Bemer that his intention was to keep the track operating as a racing facility.
Bemer was the high bidder during a foreclosure auction Saturday at the track.
Take a look below for some views from Saturday at the Speedbowl.
Hey Shawn, Maybe at some point you can do a sit down with Mr Bemer to get his thoughts on what he has in mind for the Bowl. Not right away as he probably has to have time to digest what he just pulled off. This great news to be sure.
Thank you Bruce . I work for you years ago at your Yamaha shop “cycle world”
I want to thank you for keeping this open.
Joe Tobin
that picture of the “rocco sucks” graffiti though.